Well, there really isn't anything that I know of that is like sp_depends for DB2 z/OS Version 7.2. Hopefully V8 will alot more features...but for Now you have to interogate the catalog.
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This question comes up quit often. For example in this thread from dbForums SQL Server forum they are looking to do just that.
The simplest answer is to create a history for every table, then create a trigger for each that will move the entire row of the before image information into history when a DELETE or UPDATE Modification occurs.
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The best way I've found to transfer is to use ftp with a script file. Now with Cyberfusion being implemented, I unfortunately have to abandon this simple methd for secure file transfers.
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EDIT: Ok, so as is pointed out in the comments below SQL Server comes with a very powerful XML Parser already OPENXML and sp_xml_preparedocument. I posted a code snipet in the comments I got from BOL so you can see how it works.
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Dear MayorAs I am sure you are aware the Shuttle Service in West Orange is not all that it could be. You may or may not be following the day to day gripes and groans that appear on the web log established by Brett Kaiser and submitted by the riders, or non riders as so often is the reason for the posting.
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Thought I lost this...so I figured I better post it. It will create format cards for all tables in the database.
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].
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...was recently asked at SQLTeam
This is what I would do
USE NorthwindGO
CREATE VIEW EXPORT_ORDERSASSELECT 1 AS ROW_ORDER, 'HEADER ' + CONVERT(char(25),GetDate()) AS Data_LineUNION ALLSELECT 2 AS ROW_ORDER, COALESCE(CONVERT(char(15),OrderID),'') + COALESCE(CustomerID,'') + COALESCE(CONVERT(char(15),EmployeeID),'') + COALESCE(CONVERT(char(25),OrderDate),'') + COALESCE(CONVERT(char(25),RequiredDate),'') + COALESCE(CONVERT(char(25),ShippedDate),'') + COALESCE(CONVERT(char(15),ShipVia),'') + COALESCE(CONVERT(char(15),Freight),'') + COALESCE(CONVERT(char(80),ShipName),'') + COALESCE(CONVERT(char(120),ShipAddress),'') + COALESCE(CONVERT(char(30),ShipCity),'') + COALESCE(CONVERT(char(30),ShipRegion),'') + COALESCE(CONVERT(char(20),ShipPostalCode),'') + COALESCE(CONVERT(char(30),ShipCountry),'') AS Data_Line FROM OrdersUNION ALLSELECT 3 AS ROW_ORDER, 'TRAILER ' + CONVERT(char(25),GetDate()) + CONVERT(char(15),COUNT(*)) AS Data_Line FROM OrdersGO
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What? Huh? This can't be...can it? Well this person seemed to think so:
I didn't think that this was possible...and, well, it isn't...so I am posting this for future reference.
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At first I thought it was a Suzuki...
I was like, Damn they left their suzuki in a taxi...wait, let me read that again..So this is what it is
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I'm currently setting up a process to audit changes to the database in DB2 OS/390. I have done this in the past with SQL Server (which was easier) but I know have to do it for this platform.
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# Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa 2/1/2006 6:28 PM Brett OK, so who didn't expect some bumps in the road this morning? I would like to thank the mayor and Mr.
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Thursday, January 05, 2006
Mr. Mayor and Mr. Lepore,
Things have gotten very bad again with the Shuttle Service.The Ridership feels like it is being ignored.We have taken many steps over several months to let you know of our plight.
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West Orange Ridership Community
The West Orange Ridership Community is a group of concerned citizens who enjoy the benefits of the West Orange Townships Midtown Direct Jitney Service. The Community was formed during a time of service disruptions in November 2005.
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W.O. Ridership Community Representatives
Morning Runs
Route 1
Trip Station Train (Arrives) Representative
1-02 Orange 6612 (7:01)
1-04 S. Orange 6614 (7:28)
1-06 S. Orange 6620 (8:15) Brett Kaiser
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Names of Shuttle Drivers and Backups
Morning RunsEvening Runs
Route 1Jackie/Carlos Route 2 Route 3
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That's terrific! I'm glad to hear that the riders of your community now have a voice. Here is a link to our reports http://www.straphangers.org/reports.html. The website holds all of our reports dating back to 1998.
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Thank you for contacting the Straphangers Campaign. We are glad to hear that you are interested in establishing a local advocacy group for transit riders.
Much of the success that the Straphangers Campaign has experienced is a result of our reports and research.
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Just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your correspondence. It seems it took very little effort to affect change once we formed as a community. While we are small in numbers, I would assume that the majority of the West Orange Ridership Community are also straphangers as well.
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Captain Feula,
You know, it actually helps when you actually read emails more clearly.
To correct my statement. I misread about the date of the incident. The date of the incident was November 9, 2005 at
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