Brett Kaiser (x002548) Blog

Not Just a Number - Brett Kaiser

Weekend and Holidaze's been 2 months... It seems there's a common question discussiong how to eliminate holidays (and weekends) from date ranges. And since I'm sick of doing a search to find it, I'd thought I'd post it. Read more →

What Happened to my DATA?!?!!?!?!?

What did YOU do! I lost All MY Work! Sound familiar? I always love it when they blame the database. User or Developer, it doesn't matter, you and the database will ALWAYS be the first one to be blamed. Read more →

Bi-Directional Updates - No Thanks

So who really wins?  Well I guess the answer would be no one (or the last one, or the one who bribes the dba...)  In any case, it was an exercise I alway contemplated, and always thought wasn't really a good idea, but always seems to come up. Read more →


2 things, 1st, it's not the margartias and 2nd, anything that reads SOX sucks...I gotta read...  Here's the post by Derrick Leggit (to quit?) And his article Read more →


The Top 10 questions asked (and answered) at SQL Team. ALL helpf appreciated, and suggestions on the order of importance...  10. Where the Hell is Rob 9. Where is Part 2 of More Trees and Hierarchy Read more →

Export out entire database

For some reason this seems to be the season for people needing to dump a database to text....  Well Here's one way...should rewrite it to use INFORMATION_SCHEMA, but it works well enough. Read more →

Surrogate Keys….The Devil’s spawn (OK Not really)

Always seems to spark a very heated debate…So I’d like to make a list of Pros and Cons that I’d like to keep Adding to. All comments appreciated. So I’ll start with the CON’s, mostly because I believe there are a few reasons for a surrogate key, but it is usually WAY overused and also gets dbas/developers in more trouble . Read more →


Huh? What is TQL? A new query language...Tequila Query Language perhaps? Nope. A SQL Server Template. When I'm not stealing code, I'll use a template to get sprocs going. For the most part, Error Handling in a sproc is the same (well for me) 99% of the time. Read more →

Dynamic Predicates?

Always seem to asked...bugged the hell out of me..The answer always seemd to be dynamic SQL since anything in the predicate to handle the absence of a criteria would cause a scan of the index. Read more →


It's all about the update... EDIT: 9/9/2004: Well that wasn't much of an explanation. What the hell are it a place in Mississippi where they have great music and food? Read more →

Sanitize input files

I had a devil of a time with the spawned thread blocking from xp_cmdshell and doing bcp's....  Sometime it would work, other times not... The sproc is treated as 1 logical unit of work. Read more →

The Interview

I've decided to start a list of questions for canidates (or so I can remeber when I gotta go)...ones that I've run across and was confused by (yeah, yeah, there's not enough drive space available. Read more →

Interogate Sprocs

Seen a bunch of people interested in Searching through Sprocs lately. Thought it would be handy (especially for some of these god awful legacy database we're so fortunate to inherit. Read more →