Automating RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Maintenance
I posted example scripts to automate RANGE LEFT sliding window maintenance in my last post. As promised, I am sharing a RANGE RIGHT version in this post.
I personally prefer a RANGE RIGHT partition function when partitioning on a data type that includes time. RANGE RIGHT allows specification of an exact date boundary instead of the maximum date/time value needed for RANGE LEFT to keep all data for a given date in the same partition. Another nicety with RANGE RIGHT is that same boundaries can be used in a RANGE RIGHT partition function of any date/time data type. In contrast, the time component of RANGE LEFT boundary values must be customized for the specific data type as I described in Sliding Window Table Partitioning.
The downside with RANGE RIGHT is that maintaining the sliding window isn’t quite as intuitive as with RANGE LEFT. Instead of switching out and merging the first partition during purge/archive, one needs to switch out and merge the second partition. This practice avoids the costly movement of retained data from the removed second partition into the retained first partition. Both the first and second partitions are empty during the merge so no data need to be move moved. The first partition is normally empty at all times.
The stored procedure below shows how you can automate a RANGE RIGHT daily sliding window. The main differences between this version and the RANGE LEFT version I posted in Automating Sliding Window Maintenance are
1) Removed boundary calculation of maximum time (DATEADD(millisecond, -3, @RunDate)).
2) Added a conditional create of upper boundary of second partition (oldest period retained in third partition)
3) Added $PARTITION for SWITCH instead of hard-coding the partition number
Example of RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Automation
Below are the demo objects used by the range RIGHT sliding window procedure.
--no boundaries initially - proc will create as needed CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION PF_MyPartitionFunction(datetime) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES(); GO CREATE PARTITION SCHEME PS_MyPartitionScheme AS PARTITION PF_MyPartitionFunction ALL TO ([PRIMARY]); GO CREATE TABLE dbo.MyPartitionedTable ( PartitionColumnDateTime datetime ) ON PS_MyPartitionScheme(PartitionColumnDateTime); GO --note staging table uses same partition scheme as primary table CREATE TABLE dbo.MyPartitionedTable_Staging ( PartitionColumnDateTime datetime ) ON PS_MyPartitionScheme(PartitionColumnDateTime); GO |
The sliding window proc:
CREATE PROC dbo.SlideRangeRightWindow_datetime @RetentionDays int, @RunDate datetime = NULL /* This proc maintains a RANGE RIGHT daily sliding window based on the specified @RetentionDays. It is intended to be scheduled daily shortly after midnight. In addition to purging old data, the partition function is adjusted to account for scheduling issues or changes in @RetentionDays. Partitions are split and merged so that the first partition boundary is the oldest retained data date and the last boundary is the next day. Other partitions contain current and historical data for the specifiednumber of @RetentionDays. After successful execution, (at least) the following partitions will exist: - partition 1 = data older than retained date (empty) - other partitions = hitorical data (@RunDate - 1 and earlier) - second from last partition = current data (@RunDate) - last partition = future data (@RunDate + 1) (empty) */ AS SET NOCOUNT, XACT_ABORT ON; DECLARE @Error int, @RowCount bigint, @ErrorLine int, @Message varchar(255), @OldestRetainedDate datetime, @PartitionBoundaryDate datetime; SET @Error = 0; BEGIN TRY IF @RunDate IS NULL BEGIN --use current date (midnight) if no date specified SET @RunDate = DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, '', GETDATE())); END ELSE BEGIN --set time to midnight of specified date SET @RunDate = DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, '', @RunDate)); END --calculate oldest retention date based on @RetentionDays and @RunDate SET @OldestRetainedDate = DATEADD(day, @RetentionDays * -1, @RunDate); SET @Message = 'Run date = ' + + CONVERT(varchar(23), @RunDate, 121) + ', Retention days = ' + CAST(@RetentionDays AS varchar(10)) + ', Oldest retained data date = ' + CONVERT(varchar(23), @OldestRetainedDate, 121); RAISERROR (@Message, 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT; BEGIN TRAN; --acquire exclusive table lock to prevent deadlocking --with concurrent activity. SELECT TOP 1 @error = 0 FROM dbo.MyPartitionedTable WITH (TABLOCKX, HOLDLOCK); --make sure we have a boundary for oldest retained period IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT prv.value FROM sys.partition_functions AS pf JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS prv ON prv.function_id = pf.function_id WHERE = 'PF_MyPartitionFunction' AND CAST(prv.value AS datetime) = @OldestRetainedDate ) BEGIN ALTER PARTITION SCHEME PS_MyPartitionScheme NEXT USED [PRIMARY]; ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION PF_MyPartitionFunction() SPLIT RANGE(@OldestRetainedDate); SET @Message = 'Created boundary for oldest retained data (' + CONVERT(varchar(30), @OldestRetainedDate, 121) + ')'; RAISERROR(@Message, 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT; END ELSE BEGIN SET @Message = 'Oldest retained data boundary already exists (' + CONVERT(varchar(30), @OldestRetainedDate, 121) + ')'; RAISERROR(@Message, 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT; END --get earliest expired boundary SET @PartitionBoundaryDate = NULL; SELECT @PartitionBoundaryDate = MIN(CAST(prv.value AS datetime)) FROM sys.partition_functions AS pf JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS prv ON prv.function_id = pf.function_id WHERE = 'PF_MyPartitionFunction' AND CAST(prv.value AS datetime) < @OldestRetainedDate; --get rowcount of first partition SELECT @RowCount = rows FROM sys.partitions WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.MyPartitionedTable') AND partition_number = 1 AND index_id IN(0, 1); --purge data from first partition if not empty IF @RowCount > 0 BEGIN TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.MyPartitionedTable_Staging; ALTER TABLE dbo.MyPartitionedTable SWITCH PARTITION 1 TO dbo.MyPartitionedTable_Staging PARTITION 1; TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.MyPartitionedTable_Staging; SET @Message = 'Purged data older than ' + CONVERT(varchar(23), @PartitionBoundaryDate, 121) + ' (' + CAST(@RowCount as varchar(20)) + ' rows)'; RAISERROR(@Message, 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT; END ELSE BEGIN SET @Message = 'First partition is empty. No data older than ' + CONVERT(varchar(23), @OldestRetainedDate, 121); RAISERROR(@Message, 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT; END --Switch and merge expired data partitions, starting with the earliest WHILE @PartitionBoundaryDate < @OldestRetainedDate BEGIN --get count of rows to be purged SELECT @RowCount = rows FROM sys.partitions WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'MyPartitionedTable') AND partition_number = $PARTITION.PF_MyPartitionFunction(@PartitionBoundaryDate) AND index_id IN(0, 1); --purge data, if needed IF @RowCount > 0 BEGIN --move data to staging table TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.MyPartitionedTable_Staging; ALTER TABLE dbo.MyPartitionedTable SWITCH PARTITION $PARTITION.PF_MyPartitionFunction(@PartitionBoundaryDate) TO dbo.MyPartitionedTable_Staging PARTITION $PARTITION.PF_MyPartitionFunction(@PartitionBoundaryDate); --purge data from staging table TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.MyPartitionedTable_Staging; SET @Message = 'Purged data for boundary ' + CONVERT(varchar(23), @PartitionBoundaryDate, 121) + ' (' + CAST(@RowCount as varchar(20)) + ' rows)'; RAISERROR(@Message, 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT; END ELSE BEGIN SET @Message = 'Partition for boundary ' + CONVERT(varchar(23), @PartitionBoundaryDate, 121) + ' is empty'; RAISERROR(@Message, 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT; END --remove purged partition ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION PF_MyPartitionFunction() MERGE RANGE(@PartitionBoundaryDate); SET @Message = 'Removed boundary ' + CONVERT(varchar(30), @PartitionBoundaryDate, 121); RAISERROR(@Message, 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT; --get earliest boundary before retention date for next iteration SET @PartitionBoundaryDate = NULL; SELECT @PartitionBoundaryDate = MIN(CAST(prv.value AS datetime)) FROM sys.partition_functions AS pf JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS prv ON prv.function_id = pf.function_id WHERE = 'PF_MyPartitionFunction' AND CAST(prv.value AS datetime) < @OldestRetainedDate; END; --Make sure we have an empty partition for tomorrow SET @PartitionBoundaryDate = DATEADD(day, 1, @RunDate); IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT prv.value FROM sys.partition_functions AS pf JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS prv ON prv.function_id = pf.function_id WHERE = 'PF_MyPartitionFunction' AND CAST(prv.value AS datetime) = @PartitionBoundaryDate ) BEGIN ALTER PARTITION SCHEME PS_MyPartitionScheme NEXT USED [PRIMARY]; ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION PF_MyPartitionFunction() SPLIT RANGE(@PartitionBoundaryDate); SET @Message = 'Created boundary future data ' + CONVERT(varchar(30), @PartitionBoundaryDate, 121); RAISERROR(@Message, 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT; END ELSE BEGIN SET @Message = 'Partition already exists for future boundary ' + CONVERT(varchar(30), @PartitionBoundaryDate, 121); RAISERROR(@Message, 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT; END; COMMIT; END TRY BEGIN CATCH SELECT @Error = ERROR_NUMBER(), @Message = ERROR_MESSAGE(), @ErrorLine = ERROR_LINE(); RAISERROR('Partition maintenenace failed with error %d at line %d: %s', 16, 1, @Error, @ErrorLine, @Message) WITH NOWAIT; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 BEGIN ROLLBACK; END; END CATCH; RETURN @Error; GO |
Demo scripts:
--day 1: create initial 4 partitions INSERT INTO dbo.MyPartitionedTable VALUES('2008-09-01T01:00:00'); EXEC dbo.SlideRangeRightWindow_datetime @RetentionDays = 1, @RunDate = '2008-09-01T00:00:00'; INSERT INTO dbo.MyPartitionedTable VALUES('2008-09-01T02:00:00'); --day 2: purge data and create partition for future data (rolling 4 partitions) INSERT INTO dbo.MyPartitionedTable VALUES('2008-09-02T01:00:00'); EXEC dbo.SlideRangeRightWindow_datetime @RetentionDays = 1, @RunDate = '2008-09-02T00:00:00'; INSERT INTO dbo.MyPartitionedTable VALUES('2008-09-02T02:00:00'); INSERT INTO dbo.MyPartitionedTable VALUES('2008-09-02T03:00:00'); --day 3: purge data and create partition for future data (rolling 4 partitions) INSERT INTO dbo.MyPartitionedTable VALUES('2008-09-03T01:00:00'); EXEC dbo.SlideRangeRightWindow_datetime @RetentionDays = 1, @RunDate = '2008-09-03T00:00:00'; INSERT INTO dbo.MyPartitionedTable VALUES('2008-09-03T02:00:00'); INSERT INTO dbo.MyPartitionedTable VALUES('2008-09-03T03:00:00'); INSERT INTO dbo.MyPartitionedTable VALUES('2008-09-03T04:00:00'); --day 5: catch-up after missed day 4 INSERT INTO dbo.MyPartitionedTable VALUES('2008-09-04T01:00:00'); INSERT INTO dbo.MyPartitionedTable VALUES('2008-09-04T02:00:00'); INSERT INTO dbo.MyPartitionedTable VALUES('2008-09-04T03:00:00'); INSERT INTO dbo.MyPartitionedTable VALUES('2008-09-04T04:00:00'); INSERT INTO dbo.MyPartitionedTable VALUES('2008-09-04T05:00:00'); INSERT INTO dbo.MyPartitionedTable VALUES('2008-09-05T01:00:00'); EXEC dbo.SlideRangeRightWindow_datetime @RetentionDays = 1, @RunDate = '2008-09-05T00:00:00'; |
Below is the output from the demo script:
Run date = 2008-09-01 00:00:00.000, Retention days = 1, Oldest retained data date = 2008-08-31 00:00:00.000 Created boundary future data 2008-09-02 00:00:00.000 |
Legacy Comments
2009-07-08 |
re: Automating RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Maintenance this one is really a very good article but i have doubt that when there is PK-FK with this partition table then i don't think this sliding window will work as there will be violation of FK. |
Dan Guzman
2009-07-10 |
re: Automating RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Maintenance SWITCH is not allowed when the table is referenced (PK side) in a foreign key constraint. This is the same restriction as the TRUNCATE DDL statement. Note that there is no restriction when the partitioned table is a referencing table (FK side) of the relationship. |
2009-08-06 |
re: Automating RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Maintenance I'm running into an interesting problem with partitioning: we want to move older partitions in a table off to slower storage on the same server, but I haven't seen any "recipes" on how to do that. This is an intermediate step before moving partitions off to an archive table - we want to keep the "middle-aged" data alive, but we don't have room to keep it all on our fastest drives. Is this a reasonable thing to do? |
Dan Guzman
2009-08-18 |
re: Automating RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Maintenance It's certainly reasonable to move less frequently accessed data to shower drives. One way to accomplish this is to setup the partition scheme with one filegroup/file per partition. Prior to the normal periodic partition maintenance, move the file(s) to the slower drives as you would any planned file relocation (set database offline, move file, alter database...modify file and set database online). The process is a bit more involved if you need to keep the database online because you'll need to copy data to the slower drives. This can be done with a simple merge, used and split but can take awhile for large partitions. To maximize availability, you might consider switching the data out of the adjacent affected partitions (latest one on slow disks, earliest one on fast disks), move the staging table to the slow filegroup merge/split the adjacent partitions so that both are on the slow filegroup and then switch both back in. Data from the affected partitions will be temporarily unavailable. |
2011-01-18 |
re: Automating RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Maintenance I'm running SQL Server 2008 R2 and get the following error when running the code above: (1 row(s) affected) Run date = 2008-09-01 00:00:00.000, Retention days = 1 Partition boundaries before maintenance: Created boundary 2008-08-31 00:00:00.000 Created boundary 2008-09-01 00:00:00.000 Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure SlideRangeRightWindow_datetime, Line 494 Partition maintenenace failed with error 3609 at line 312: The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted. Partition boundaries after maintenance (1 row(s) affected) |
2011-01-26 |
re: Automating RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Maintenance Do you perhaps have a DDL trigger that is rolling back the operation? |
Yash Ganthe
2011-02-16 |
re: Automating RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Maintenance The article says: Instead of switching out and merging the first partition during purge/archive, one needs to switch out and merge the second partition. If we find the minimum boundary and start with it and do ALTER TABLE dbo.MyPartitionedTable SWITCH PARTITION $PARTITION.PF_MyPartitionFunction(@PartitionBoundaryDate) - 1 TO dbo.MyPartitionedTable_Staging PARTITION $PARTITION.PF_MyPartitionFunction(@PartitionBoundaryDate) - 1; We are actually switching out the first partition. Further we are also merging the first partition. So I do not see why this is considered different than RANGE LEFT. Also with RANGE RIGHT, if we merge partition 2, does it cause data from partition 2 to go into the filegroup that holds partition 3? Or will it cause data from partition 3 to come into the filegroup that holds partition 2? Thanks, Yash |
2011-02-20 |
re: Automating RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Maintenance Hi, Yash. You are right that the maintenace proc I posted SWITCHed out partition 1. MERGE terminology is confusing because 2 partitions involved. The partition that contains the boundary value is dropped and data moved from the dropped partition into the remaining one. MERGE behavior is exactly opposite with RANGE LEFT and RANGE RIGHT. With RANGE LEFT, a MERGE of the first partition boundary will drop the first partition and move data into the remaining second partition(s) and corresponding filegroup(s). All partition numbers are reduced by 1 so that partition 2 becomes partition 1, etc. With RANGE RIGHT, the same merge will drop the second partition and move data into the remaining first partition(s) and corresponding filegroup(s). The partition numbers of all but the first are reduced by 1. This is what the proc I posted did. The goal of efficient merging is to drop empty partitions to avoid data movement. As you noted, the original maintenace proc I posted was suboptimal with RANGE RIGHT because it switched out the first partition and then merged the second whereas my intent was to switch out the second before the merge. This resulted in unnecessary data movement. I revised the code to switch out the earliest expired partition (normally the second partition) and then merge the first 2 partitions. Since the dropped partition is empty after the switch, no data movement is needed during the merge. This will perform much better, especially in cases where a catch-up after missed days is needed. I also added code to conditionally switch out the first partition beforehand in case it is not empty. The first partition always contains expired data because the proc creates a boundary for the oldest retained data if one does not already exists. Thanks for the feedback. |
2011-03-13 |
re: Automating RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Maintenance Matt, In addition to a user DDL trigger, you might get the trigger rollback error if CDC is enabled in the database. CDC uses DDL triggers under the covers to track DDL changes. |
2011-11-24 |
re: Automating RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Maintenance Hi, I created the following function CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION FN_YEAR(varchar(4)) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ( '2008','2009', '2010', '2011', '2012') and would like to move the first partition to a different filegroup. For the [RANGE LEFT] partitions I would run the following sequence: ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION FN_YEAR() MERGE RANGE ('2008') ALTER PARTITION SCHEME SCH_YEAR NEXT USED [New] ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION FN_YEAR() SPLIT RANGE ('2008') But for the [RANGE RIGHT] it changes the filegroup for the second partition. So what should I run for the [RANGE RIGHT]? Thanks |
2011-11-25 |
re: Automating RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Maintenance You can move data from the first RANGE RIGHT partition into the new filegroup with a single SPLIT; no MERGE is needed: ALTER PARTITION SCHEME SCH_YEAR NEXT USED [New]; ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION FN_YEAR() SPLIT RANGE (NULL); Note that the first partition will remain on the current filegroup but that shouldn't matter because the NULL boundary will ensure the first partition is always empty. When an existing partition is SPLIT, the newly created partition is the one that contains the specified boundary, which is created on the partition scheme(s) NEXT USED filegroup. Consequently, SPLIT cannot be used to move the first partition of a RANGE RIGHT scheme or the last partition of a RANGE LEFT scheme; those existing partitions are always the retained during SPLIT. The RANGE RIGHT first partition filegroup (or last partition filegroup with RANGE LEFT) is determined when the partition scheme is initially created. You might consider making a habit of creating functions with minimum possible boundary (NULL) and the maximum possible boundary (data type dependent). This will ensure the first and last partitions are empty so you won't need to bother with moving them. Consider that the MERGE/SPLIT technique to move data to different filegroups can be sub-optimal if a lot of rows must be moved. See see for more information. |
2011-12-12 |
re: Automating RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Maintenance Hi Dan, Thank you for your reply. When I try to run the ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION FN_YEAR() SPLIT RANGE (NULL) I get the following error: 'Could not implicitly convert range values type specified at ordinal 1 to partition function parameter type.' |
2011-12-12 |
re: Automating RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Maintenance I can't reproduce the error you are getting. Below is the script I used. What version/service pack are you running? CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION FN_YEAR(varchar(4)) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ('2008','2009', '2010', '2011', '2012'); ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION FN_YEAR() SPLIT RANGE (NULL); You might try an explict CAST of the NULL to the partition function data type: ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION FN_YEAR() SPLIT RANGE (CAST(NULL AS varchar(4))); |
2012-08-03 |
re: Automating RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Maintenance Hi Dan, Firstly thank you very much for the post, very helpful. i have one question If we want to automate for a set of tables, can we use same partition function for all or we have to use different partition function for each table. Thanks Mushtaq. |
2012-08-05 |
re: Automating RANGE RIGHT Sliding Window Maintenance Hi, Mushtaq. Yes, you can use the same partition function for different tables. The sample script in this post uses the same partition scheme (PS_MyPartitionScheme) and partition function (PF_MyPartitionFunction) for both dbo.MyPartitionedTable and dbo.MyPartitionedTable_Staging tables. Since this partition scheme is based on the partition function, any changes made to the partition function apply to all tables that use that partition scheme. You can also create multiple partition schemes based on the same function. Changes to the function will be applied to all tables that use schemes created with the function. |