Restore Database Stored Procedure
A user in the SQL Server public newsgroups asked about how to restore a database with many files and rename during the process:
I am restoring a database onto another server with different drive |
This reminded me of a stored procedure I wrote several years ago for SQL Server 2000 that would be perfect for such a task. The proc generates and optionally executes the necessary RESTORE and ALTER commands to make quick work of what is otherwise a long and tedious process if you have many files and databases. I updated my old proc for SQL Server 2008 and thought I'd share it here. Below is the proc with documentation and samples in the comments. I hope you find this useful.
IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#RestoreDatabase_SQL2008') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE #RestoreDatabase_SQL2008 GO CREATE PROCEDURE #RestoreDatabase_SQL2008 @BackupFile nvarchar(260), @NewDatabaseName sysname = NULL, @FileNumber int = 1, @DataFolder nvarchar(260) = NULL, @LogFolder nvarchar(260) = NULL, @ExecuteRestoreImmediately char(1) = 'N', @ChangePhysicalFileNames char(1) = 'Y', @ChangeLogicalNames char(1) = 'Y', @DatabaseOwner sysname = NULL, @AdditionalOptions nvarchar(500) = NULL AS /* This procedure will generate and optionally execute a RESTORE DATABASE script from the specified disk database backup file. Parameters: @BackupFile: Required. Specifies fully-qualified path to the disk backup file. For remote (network) files, UNC path should be specified. The SQL Server service account will need permissions to the file. @NewDatabaseName: Optional. Specifies the target database name for the restore. If not specified, the database is restored using the original database name. @FileNumber: Optional. Specifies the file number of the desired backup set. This is needed only when when the backup file contains multiple backup sets. If not specified, a default of 1 is used. @DataFolder: Optional. Specifies the folder for all database data files. If not specified, data files are restored using the original file names and locations. @LogFolder: Optional. Specifies the folder for all database log files. If not specified, log files are restored to the original log file locations. @ExecuteRestoreImmediately: Optional. Specifies whether or not to execute the restore. When, 'Y' is specified, then restore is executed immediately. When 'Y' is specified, the restore script is printed but not executed. If not specified, a default of 'N' is used. @ChangePhysicalFileNames: Optional. Indicates that physical file names are to be renamed during the restore to match the new database name. When 'Y' is specified, the leftmost part of the original file name matching the original database name is replaced with the new database name. The file name is not changed when 'N' is specified or if the leftmost part of the file name doesn't match the original database name. If not specified, a default of 'Y' is used. @ChangeLogicalNames: Optional. Indicates that logical file names are to be renamed following the restore to match the new database name. When 'Y' is specified, the leftmost part of the original file name matching the original database name is replaced with the new database name. The file name is not changed when 'N' is specified or if the leftmost part of the file name doesn't match the original database name. If not specified, a default of 'Y' is used. @DatabaseOwner: Optional. Specifies the new database owner (authorization) of the restored database. If not specified, the database will be owned by the accunt used to restore the database. @AdditionalOptions: Optional. Specifies options to be added the the RESTORE statement WITH clause (e.g. STATS=5, REPLACE). If not specified, only the FILE and MOVE are included. Sample usages: --restore database with same name and file locations EXEC #RestoreDatabase_SQL2008 @BackupFile = N'C:\Backups\Foo.bak', @AdditionalOptions=N'STATS=5, REPLACE'; Results: --Backup source: ServerName=MYSERVER, DatabaseName=Foo, BackupFinishDate=2009-06-13 11:20:52.000 RESTORE DATABASE [MyDatabase] FROM DISK=N'C:\Backups\Foo.bak' WITH FILE=1, STATS=5, REPLACE --restore database with new name and change logical and physical names EXEC #RestoreDatabase_SQL2008 @BackupFile = N'C:\Backups\Foo.bak', @NewDatabaseName = 'Foo2'; Results: --Backup source: ServerName=MYSERVER, DatabaseName=Foo, BackupFinishDate=2009-06-13 11:20:52.000 RESTORE DATABASE [Foo2] FROM DISK=N'C:\Backups\Foo.bak' WITH FILE=1, MOVE 'Foo' TO 'C:\DataFolder\Foo2.mdf', MOVE 'Foo_log' TO 'D:\LogFolder\Foo2_log.LDF' ALTER DATABASE [Foo2] MODIFY FILE (NAME='Foo', NEWNAME='Foo2'); ALTER DATABASE [Foo2] MODIFY FILE (NAME='Foo_log', NEWNAME='Foo2_log'); --restore database to different file folders and change owner after restore: EXEC #RestoreDatabase_SQL2008 @BackupFile = N'C:\Backups\Foo.bak', @DataFolder = N'E:\DataFiles', @LogFolder = N'F:\LogFiles', @DatabaseOwner = 'sa', @AdditionalOptions=N'STATS=5; Results: --Backup source: ServerName=MYSERVER, DatabaseName=Foo, BackupFinishDate=2009-06-13 11:20:52.000 RESTORE DATABASE [Foo] FROM DISK=N'C:\Backups\Foo.bak' WITH FILE=1, MOVE 'Foo' TO 'E:\DataFiles\Foo.mdf', MOVE 'Foo_log' TO 'F:\LogFiles\Foo_log.LDF' ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::[Foo] TO [sa] */ SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @LogicalName nvarchar(128), @PhysicalName nvarchar(260), @PhysicalFolderName nvarchar(260), @PhysicalFileName nvarchar(260), @NewPhysicalName nvarchar(260), @NewLogicalName nvarchar(128), @OldDatabaseName nvarchar(128), @RestoreStatement nvarchar(MAX), @Command nvarchar(MAX), @ReturnCode int, @FileType char(1), @ServerName nvarchar(128), @BackupFinishDate datetime, @Message nvarchar(4000), @ChangeLogicalNamesSql nvarchar(MAX), @AlterAuthorizationSql nvarchar(MAX), @Error int; DECLARE @BackupHeader TABLE ( BackupName nvarchar(128) NULL, BackupDescription nvarchar(255) NULL, BackupType smallint NULL, ExpirationDate datetime NULL, Compressed tinyint NULL, Position smallint NULL, DeviceType tinyint NULL, UserName nvarchar(128) NULL, ServerName nvarchar(128) NULL, DatabaseName nvarchar(128) NULL, DatabaseVersion int NULL, DatabaseCreationDate datetime NULL, BackupSize numeric(20,0) NULL, FirstLSN numeric(25,0) NULL, LastLSN numeric(25,0) NULL, CheckpointLSN numeric(25,0) NULL, DatabaseBackupLSN numeric(25,0) NULL, BackupStartDate datetime NULL, BackupFinishDate datetime NULL, SortOrder smallint NULL, CodePage smallint NULL, UnicodeLocaleId int NULL, UnicodeComparisonStyle int NULL, CompatibilityLevel tinyint NULL, SoftwareVendorId int NULL, SoftwareVersionMajor int NULL, SoftwareVersionMinor int NULL, SoftwareVersionBuild int NULL, MachineName nvarchar(128) NULL, Flags int NULL, BindingID uniqueidentifier NULL, RecoveryForkID uniqueidentifier NULL, Collation nvarchar(128) NULL, FamilyGUID uniqueidentifier NULL, HasBulkLoggedData bit NULL, IsSnapshot bit NULL, IsReadOnly bit NULL, IsSingleUser bit NULL, HasBackupChecksums bit NULL, IsDamaged bit NULL, BeginsLogChain bit NULL, HasIncompleteMetaData bit NULL, IsForceOffline bit NULL, IsCopyOnly bit NULL, FirstRecoveryForkID uniqueidentifier NULL, ForkPointLSN decimal(25, 0) NULL, RecoveryModel nvarchar(60) NULL, DifferentialBaseLSN decimal(25, 0) NULL, DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier NULL, BackupTypeDescription nvarchar(60) NULL, BackupSetGUID uniqueidentifier NULL, CompressedBackupSize binary(8) NULL ); DECLARE @FileList TABLE ( LogicalName nvarchar(128) NOT NULL, PhysicalName nvarchar(260) NOT NULL, Type char(1) NOT NULL, FileGroupName nvarchar(120) NULL, Size numeric(20, 0) NOT NULL, MaxSize numeric(20, 0) NOT NULL, FileID bigint NULL, CreateLSN numeric(25,0) NULL, DropLSN numeric(25,0) NULL, UniqueID uniqueidentifier NULL, ReadOnlyLSN numeric(25,0) NULL , ReadWriteLSN numeric(25,0) NULL, BackupSizeInBytes bigint NULL, SourceBlockSize int NULL, FileGroupID int NULL, LogGroupGUID uniqueidentifier NULL, DifferentialBaseLSN numeric(25,0)NULL, DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier NULL, IsReadOnly bit NULL, IsPresent bit NULL, TDEThumbprint varbinary(32) NULL ); SET @Error = 0; --add trailing backslash to folder names if not already specified IF LEFT(REVERSE(@DataFolder), 1) <> '\' SET @DataFolder = @DataFolder + '\'; IF LEFT(REVERSE(@LogFolder), 1) <> '\' SET @LogFolder = @LogFolder + '\'; -- get backup header info and display SET @RestoreStatement = N'RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK=N''' + @BackupFile + ''' WITH FILE=' + CAST(@FileNumber as nvarchar(10)); INSERT INTO @BackupHeader EXEC('RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK=N''' + @BackupFile + ''' WITH FILE = 1'); SET @Error = @@ERROR; IF @Error <> 0 GOTO Done; IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @BackupHeader) GOTO Done; SELECT @OldDatabaseName = DatabaseName, @ServerName = ServerName, @BackupFinishDate = BackupFinishDate FROM @BackupHeader; IF @NewDatabaseName IS NULL SET @NewDatabaseName = @OldDatabaseName; SET @Message = N'--Backup source: ServerName=%s, DatabaseName=%s, BackupFinishDate=' + CONVERT(nvarchar(23), @BackupFinishDate, 121); RAISERROR(@Message, 0, 1, @ServerName, @OldDatabaseName) WITH NOWAIT; -- get filelist info SET @RestoreStatement = N'RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK=N''' + @BackupFile + ''' WITH FILE=' + CAST(@FileNumber as nvarchar(10)); INSERT INTO @FileList EXEC(@RestoreStatement); SET @Error = @@ERROR; IF @Error <> 0 GOTO Done; IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @FileList) GOTO Done; -- generate RESTORE DATABASE statement and ALTER DATABASE statements SET @ChangeLogicalNamesSql = ''; SET @RestoreStatement = N'RESTORE DATABASE ' + QUOTENAME(@NewDatabaseName) + N' FROM DISK=N''' + @BackupFile + '''' + N' WITH FILE=' + CAST(@FileNumber as nvarchar(10)) DECLARE FileList CURSOR LOCAL STATIC READ_ONLY FOR SELECT Type AS FileTyoe, LogicalName, --extract folder name from full path LEFT(PhysicalName, LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM(PhysicalName))) - CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(LTRIM(RTRIM(PhysicalName)))) + 1) AS PhysicalFolderName, --extract file name from full path LTRIM(RTRIM(RIGHT(PhysicalName, CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(PhysicalName)) - 1))) AS PhysicalFileName FROM @FileList; OPEN FileList; WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN FETCH NEXT FROM FileList INTO @FileType, @LogicalName, @PhysicalFolderName, @PhysicalFileName; IF @@FETCH_STATUS = -1 BREAK; -- build new physical name SET @NewPhysicalName = CASE @FileType WHEN 'D' THEN COALESCE(@DataFolder, @PhysicalFolderName) + CASE WHEN UPPER(@ChangePhysicalFileNames) IN ('Y', '1') AND LEFT(@PhysicalFileName, LEN(@OldDatabaseName)) = @OldDatabaseName THEN @NewDatabaseName + RIGHT(@PhysicalFileName, LEN(@PhysicalFileName) - LEN(@OldDatabaseName)) ELSE @PhysicalFileName END WHEN 'L' THEN COALESCE(@LogFolder, @PhysicalFolderName) + CASE WHEN UPPER(@ChangePhysicalFileNames) IN ('Y', '1') AND LEFT(@PhysicalFileName, LEN(@OldDatabaseName)) = @OldDatabaseName THEN @NewDatabaseName + RIGHT(@PhysicalFileName, LEN(@PhysicalFileName) - LEN(@OldDatabaseName)) ELSE @PhysicalFileName END END; -- build new logical name SET @NewLogicalName = CASE WHEN UPPER(@ChangeLogicalNames) IN ('Y', '1') AND LEFT(@LogicalName, LEN(@OldDatabaseName)) = @OldDatabaseName THEN @NewDatabaseName + RIGHT(@LogicalName, LEN(@LogicalName) - LEN(@OldDatabaseName)) ELSE @LogicalName END; -- generate ALTER DATABASE...MODIFY FILE statement if logical file name is different IF @NewLogicalName <> @LogicalName SET @ChangeLogicalNamesSql = @ChangeLogicalNamesSql + N'ALTER DATABASE ' + QUOTENAME(@NewDatabaseName) + N' MODIFY FILE (NAME=''' + @LogicalName + N''', NEWNAME=''' + @NewLogicalName + N'''); ' -- add MOVE option as needed if folder and/or file names are changed IF @PhysicalFolderName + @PhysicalFileName <> @NewPhysicalName BEGIN SET @RestoreStatement = @RestoreStatement + N', MOVE ''' + @LogicalName + N''' TO ''' + @NewPhysicalName + N''''; END; END; CLOSE FileList; DEALLOCATE FileList; IF @AdditionalOptions IS NOT NULL SET @RestoreStatement = @RestoreStatement + N', ' + @AdditionalOptions IF @DatabaseOwner IS NOT NULL SET @AlterAuthorizationSql = N'ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::' + QUOTENAME(@NewDatabaseName) + N' TO ' + QUOTENAME(@DatabaseOwner) ELSE SET @AlterAuthorizationSql = N'' --execute RESTORE statement IF UPPER(@ExecuteRestoreImmediately) IN ('Y', '1') BEGIN RAISERROR(N'Executing: %s', 0, 1, @RestoreStatement) WITH NOWAIT EXEC (@RestoreStatement); SET @Error = @@ERROR; IF @Error <> 0 GOTO Done; --execute ALTER DATABASE statement(s) IF @ChangeLogicalNamesSql <> '' BEGIN RAISERROR(N'Executing: %s', 0, 1, @ChangeLogicalNamesSql) WITH NOWAIT EXEC (@ChangeLogicalNamesSql); SET @Error = @@ERROR; IF @Error <> 0 GOTO Done; END IF @AlterAuthorizationSql <> '' BEGIN RAISERROR(N'Executing: %s', 0, 1, @AlterAuthorizationSql) WITH NOWAIT EXEC (@AlterAuthorizationSql); SET @Error = @@ERROR; IF @Error <> 0 GOTO Done; END END ELSE BEGIN RAISERROR(N'%s', 0, 1, @RestoreStatement) WITH NOWAIT IF @ChangeLogicalNamesSql <> '' BEGIN RAISERROR(N'%s', 0, 1, @ChangeLogicalNamesSql) WITH NOWAIT; END IF @AlterAuthorizationSql <> '' BEGIN RAISERROR(N'%s', 0, 1, @AlterAuthorizationSql) WITH NOWAIT; END END; Done: RETURN @Error; GO |
Legacy Comments
2010-10-28 |
re: Restore Database Stored Procedure Great procedure Dan, thank you for sharing. I have a different situation where I have many many backup files in one directory and I need to restore all af them. Basically seems to me that I have to code every single BACKUPFILE in order to be able to have the restore command. It would be very good if the procedure could read the entire directory where all the backup files resides. Example: Directory c:\dirback\ Files: c:\dirback\a.bak c:\dirback\b.back...... c:\dirback\z.back It will be very well to have something like this: EXEC RestoreDatabase_SQL2008 @BackupFile = N'C:\a\*.bak', @DataFolder = N'E:\DataFiles', @LogFolder = N'F:\LogFiles', @AdditionalOptions=N'STATS=5'; I understand that it can be a hard work to do. Anyway, thank you again. Best regards. Frank. |
Stephen Burke
2010-11-19 |
re: Restore Database Stored Procedure Thanks Dan. The new columns added at the end of the filelist and headeronly in 2008 were causing an issue. BOL says UINT64 datatype for CompressedBackupSize in headeronly. you have binary8 which helped me to determine what it should be. Ta |