Jeff Smith Blog

Random Thoughts & Cartesian Products with Microsoft SQL Server

Using SQLBulkCopy to quickly transfer data from .NET to SQL Server

My latest article has just been posted over at

Use SqlBulkCopy to Quickly Load Data from your Client to SQL Server

.NET Framework 2.0 introduces a very handy new class in the System.Data.SqlClient namespace called SqlBulkCopy that makes it very easy and efficient to copy large amounts of data from your .NET applications to a SQL Server database. You can even use this class to write a short .NET application that can serve as a "middleman" to move data between database servers.

If you ever need to move large amounts of data to SQL Server from a .NET application, SQLBulkCopy is the way to go.  What's great about it is that you can use a populated DataTable as the source, or anything that implements IDataReader.  This means that you can use SQLBulkCopy to quickly move data from any OLEDB/ODBC datasource to SQL Server.

Informal testing shows that it is about 4 times as fast as executing INSERT statements over and over when copying large amounts of data from a DataTable, and it certainly is much shorter and easier to write and maintain.

I hope you find the article and the examples given useful.

Article link

Legacy Comments

Anuranga Peiris
re: Using SQLBulkCopy to quickly transfer data from .NET to SQL Server
use the sqlbulkcopy for upload the dat for table with

re: Using SQLBulkCopy to quickly transfer data from .NET to SQL Server
we can use this to transfer data from MS Access to SQL server.
See following thing:

re: Using SQLBulkCopy to quickly transfer data from .NET to SQL Server
materila is very nice