Know Anyone Near Dallas, Texas?
Update: Call for Speakers Closed. Thank you to those who responded.
I'm working on the PASS program committee to help put together the speaker list for this September's Community Summit. The PASS conference will be at the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine, the last week of September, 2005. We have several speakers who have already volunteered, and we are seeking additional speakers to give talks in the area of Professional Development. This would include topics like:
- Successful Team Management
- Technical Writing
- Time Management
- Project Management
- Communication Skills
- Effective Presentations
- Career Planning / Management
- and more!
We are looking for people who are already in the Dallas-Fort Worth area who would be interested in volunteering to come give a 60-minute presentation. This might include corporate recruiters, college professors, independent consultants or anyone else with a relevant background. If you know anyone who might be a good candidate, please send me their contact information or ask them to contact me directly. They can also contact Lance or Graz. The speaker list is being assembled right now, so we need to do this as soon as possible.