Ajarn Mark Caldwell Blog

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SQLPrompt - Intellisense in Query Analyzer - Initial Review

I just downloaded and installed the free tool SQLPrompt, now from Red-Gate Software, and I'm really liking it.  It provides Intellisense or statement-completion features in SQL Query Analyzer, SQL Server Management Studio, Visual Studio, and other development tools.  For example, it not only pops up a list of fields after you type a table name followed by period, but it will also lookup relationships and give you options for your JOIN ON statement (and of course a whole lot more).  So, even if you are working in a small database where you already know all the fields and relationships, it will save you time typing.

It also provides snippet shortcuts, for example one that it comes with already setup is that you can type in ssf and hit TAB and it replaces it with the syntax SELECT * FROM.  You can build your own snippets.  Oh sure, I know that SQL Management Studio already has that ability, but if you still do any work in SQL 7 or 2000 in QA, it's a nice addition.

For now, until September 1, 2006, this tool is free.  If I understand the scenario, Red-Gate bought this tool and plans to enhance it, so I would expect there to be a charge for it after September 1, or perhaps they will just roll it into one of their bundles.  So, if you're interested, get it now!

Legacy Comments

Erico Mayor
re: SQLPrompt - Intellisense in Query Analyzer - Initial Review
I'd like to try it!

re: Try it
Well, go ahead and give it a try! I am still enjoying it. You can get it from Red-Gate's web site by clicking on the words SQLPrompt in the original post.

re: SQLPrompt - Intellisense in Query Analyzer - Initial Review
This is damians old tool...prolly got a nice lump of change from Red Gate.

re: SQLPrompt - Intellisense in Query Analyzer - Initial Review