Ajarn Mark Caldwell Blog

Bringing Business Sense to the IT World…

MSDD: No WiFi? No Big Deal.

I took my laptop computer with me to DevDays thinking that they'd probably have wireless internet access (WiFi) like they did during the PASS Community Summit. After all, it was in the same convention facility. Read more →

Tonight at the Blogger Meetup

Went to another Blogger Meetup tonight. Couldn't stay very long, but it was good to re-connect with Anita, Jake, and Eric. Eric is getting a taste of the joys of being a freelance computer guy, including the thrills associated with the client making radical changes to the project over the weekend. Read more →

No Sick Leave, Either

Closely related to my Unpaid Vacation / Holiday Time post is the fact that when you're self employed, you don't get paid sick leave either. I am normally very healthy, but I was abruptly reminded of this subject last weekend when I got sick for 5 days, and I'm talking about the kind where you only have enough energy to roll over in bed, forget about sitting in front of a computer! Read more →

How to Get New Business

A common question of those who are self-employed, and a common concern for those thinking about becoming self-employed is, “How do you find new business?” Here's how: You go out and look (and ask) for it. Read more →

Don't Irritate Your Prospective Client

SET RANT ON Oh boy, here we go again... This is ridiculous! A friend passed me a link to check out a tool called EZSQL. So I clicked on the link, and much to my surprise, my browser window was automatically resized from about 2/3 my screen size to fill up the ENTIRE screen. Read more →

Additional Criteria in the JOIN Clause

Have you ever seen a SELECT statement joining two tables that had something like and Field = Value in the JOIN clause? Did you, like me, ask yourself, "Why did they put that in the JOIN instead of in the WHERE clause? Read more →

MS Dev Days 2004

Microsoft Developer Days 2004 are coming! OK, this isn't SQL, it appears to really be more focused on .Net, but according to the latest SQLTeam poll, 73% of us are not primarily T-SQL or DBA folks, so you might be interested. Read more →

OOPS! My Bad on the Rant

SET EMBARASSMENT ON Okay, I have to come clean, and do it as publicly as I did with my mistake. A couple of days ago in my My Favorite Rant posting, I accused some web sites of manipulating my system to add their site to my Favorites list in Internet Explorer. Read more →

My Favorites Rant

SET RANT ON DAMMIT!!! Somebody's messin' with my Favorites, and I'm not happy about it! I've noticed this trend over the last couple of weeks. I'll browse to a site, oftentimes just one page because it was a link off of somebody's blog, I'll read the page, maybe I enjoy it, but rarely am I so enthralled with the writing that I want to bookmark the whole site. Read more →

My Take on the MCDBA

There are some topics that you know are always good for a heated debate: religion, politics, abortion, and the value of the MCDBA (Microsoft Certified DataBase Administrator) certification. I don't think I'll open the floodgates on the first three subjects here on my SQLTeam weblog, but the last one is a suitable subject. Read more →

Sometimes You Win and Sometimes You…

Eric Sink from SourceGear has a good article on MSDN about Making More Mistakes. This is an important concept for someone who wants to “go independent” and work for himself (or herself, don't get hung up on the syntax). Read more →

Contracting Tips: Fixed Bid vs. T&M

There are essentially two types of billing for contract work: Fixed Bid or Time & Materials. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. And you'd better know up-front which one your client has in mind before you start talking about money. Read more →

UN-Paid Vacation / Holiday Time

Oh the JOY of the Holiday Season! Maybe. We are just winding down the big holiday season in the U.S. which seems to start about noon on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday of November), and wraps up the Monday after New Year's Day. Read more →