Transpose data
There were some quetions in the forums about transposing data without the use of aggregate functions. While building a CSV list is nice sometime that's not what we want. So this is a sproc that does just that. It's nothing complex, it just gets the max number data in groups and builds an SQL statement with that many left joins.
create proc spTranspose @TableName varchar(100), @PrimaryCol varchar(100), -- parent column to transposing columns @SecondaryCol varchar(1000) -- CSV string of columns to transpose as select @SecondaryCol = replace(@SecondaryCol, ' ', '') declare @i int, @tInc varchar(10), @tIncNext varchar(10), @Sql varchar(8000), @SqlSelect varchar(8000), @tempSql nvarchar(4000), @ColNum int select @i=1, @Sql = '', @SqlSelect = '' select @tempSql = 'select top 1 @ColNum = count(*) from ' + @TableName + ' group by ' + @PrimaryCol + ' order by count(*) desc' exec sp_executesql @tempSql, N'@ColNum int output', @ColNum output if object_id('tempdb..##temp_transpose') is not null drop table ##temp_transpose exec ('select identity (int, 1,1) as Transpose_Id, ' + @PrimaryCol + ', ' + @SecondaryCol + ' into ##temp_transpose from ' + @TableName + ' order by ' + @PrimaryCol + ', ' + @SecondaryCol) select @SqlSelect = 'select t1.' + @PrimaryCol, @Sql = ' from ##temp_transpose t1' while @i <= @ColNum begin set @tInc = 't' + cast(@i as varchar(10)) set @SqlSelect = @SqlSelect + ', ' + @tInc + '.'+ replace(@SecondaryCol, ',', ', ' + @tInc + '.') set @tIncNext = 't' + cast(@i+1 as varchar(10)) if @i<@ColNum set @Sql = @Sql + ' LEFT JOIN ##temp_transpose ' + @tIncNext + ' on t1.' + @PrimaryCol + ' = ' + @tIncNext + '.' + @PrimaryCol + ' and ' + @tInc + '.Transpose_Id = ' + @tIncNext + '.Transpose_Id-1 ' set @i = @i + 1 end select (@SqlSelect + @Sql + ' WHERE (select count(*) from ##temp_transpose where t1.' + @PrimaryCol + ' = ' + @PrimaryCol + ' and t1.Transpose_Id > Transpose_Id)=0 order by t1.' + @PrimaryCol) go exec spTranspose 'pubs..authors', 'au_lname', 'au_fname, phone' go drop procedure spTranspose
Legacy Comments
2008-01-03 |
re: Transpose data hi Its Really good, but Cant we have complete tranpose of rows to cols, here we need to Keep one column as PrimaryCol.. Like rowA rowB rowC rowD colA colB colC colD In this format Thanks |
2009-09-14 |
re: Transpose data Please show me how do i convert rows into columns with out using pivot. |