Mladen Prajdić Blog

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Weird C# compile possibility

Now this is something i really didn't think it would compile in C#.


private int _someVar = 0;
private void DoStuff1()
    int _someVar = 0;
    _someVar = 6;
    // ... code that uses _someVar

private void DoStuff2() { _someVar = 5; // … code that uses _someVar }


We should at least get a warning if you ask me... 

One learns something new every day.

Legacy Comments

re: Weird C# compile possibility
I dont get why you would think that would not work as you have declared the same variable for the class / form?
Its scope is valid across all methods of the class. The inner _someVar..within the actual function is local to the actual function, it takes precedence over the class variable _someVar.

re: Weird C# compile possibility
i didn't say that it wouldn't work.
i know it works.
i just think that this kind of "typo" in variable naming should at least give a warning.

Miha Markic
re: Weird C# compile possibility
I don't think a warning should appear there because this is perfectly legal and a warning would only clutter output.

re: Weird C# compile possibility
well i'm of the opnion that the IDE and the compiler should make our life simpler.
and that they should report ambigouous code.

i understand that this is completly legal code, but i've been debugging this scenario yesterday for 2 hours, and a nice little warning would be nice.

i disagree about cluttering output.

Miha Markic
re: Weird C# compile possibility
Yeah, well, warnings should be warnings - compiler can't guess whether you are right or wrong dealing with those variables or fields. So, if you are doing something as you want you might get a ton of useles warnings which would clutter the output and one would miss the real warnings.
Perhaps IDE could have an option to color local variables differently then fields.

re: Weird C# compile possibility
that's not a bad idea at all, Miha.

re: Weird C# compile possibility
That would be a nice feature, local vs public to the class variables.

re: Weird C# compile possibility
O one last thing, tell whoever wrote this to not start local variables with the underscore key. The hell kind of coding style is that!

re: Weird C# compile possibility
it was a copy/paste accident :)

re: Weird C# compile possibility
Some orgs I have worked in have a policy of always prefacing fields with "this" to make clear they are fields and not locals. doen't work for statics obviously.

I like the colorizing thing better though.

re: Weird C# compile possibility
ReSharper provides a warning saying something like "Local variable hides instance variable" in this scenario.