Mladen Prajdić Blog

Blog about stuff and things and stuff. Mostly about SQL server and .Net

SQL Server 2005: Hypothetical index - a what?!?!

No it's not some ultra misterious indexing feature that will make your database fly like it's on steroids.

Hypothetical indexes and database objects in general are simply objects created by DTA (Database Tuning Advisor) 

Their names look like this:

Indexes _dta_index_*
Statistics _dta_stat_*
Views _dta_mv_*
Partition functions _dta_pf_*
Partition schemes _dta_ps_*

          * = some autogenerated name


If you're going to implement the recommendations given by the DTA then do rename the objects to avoid confusion.


Checking if an index is hypothetical is simple. Just run this query:

FROM    sys.indexes
WHERE   is_hypothetical = 1


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