Sometimes you have a denormalized table with several BIT columns used as flags.
Say you want to select every row that has at least one flag set. That's easy.
SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Flag1 = 1 OR Flag2 = 1 OR Flag3 = 1.
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In previous topic here
Michael Valentine Jones suggested an alternative route to get all records from one table not found in another.
Here are the results (including my suggestion with only MIN(t1) = 1 as MVJ2)
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I got some response from same topic posted on September 20 Hugo Kornelis posted an alternative code to my improvement and I promised to test it. Here is the new results (made on other machines so the absolute numbers do not match).
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Difference between NOT IN, LEFT JOIN and NOT EXISTS.
The objective is to fetch all records in one table that are not present in another table. The most common code I’ve seen at client sites includes the use of NOT IN, because this keyword is included in most programming languages and programmers tend to use this technique when writing stored procedures in the database too.
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I recently was given the task to optimize some code prior to a client's upgrade to SQL Server 2005. The objective for the old code was to get all orders where status for all orderlines where set to 'DROP'.
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