Peter Larsson Blog

Patron Saint of Lost Yaks

Index pages

SQL Server 2005 introduced the new DMV views. They are great and a real improvement to debug and optimize queries. I find sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats very useful and often write this type of code Read more →

Finding table reference levels and simulating cascading deletes

I worked with this topic recent weekend and posted the final functions here The general idea is to have a generic purge functionality. Legacy Comments Jason 2008-02-16 re: Finding table reference levels and simulating cascading deletes I understand why some people might want this, but I think it is truly a bad idea to even do something like this. Read more →

Algorithm to sort strings mixed with Alpha and Numeric values.

CREATEFUNCTION dbo.fnSplitType ( @Data VARCHAR(200), @PartSize TINYINT ) RETURNSVARCHAR(8000) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Result VARCHAR(8000), @Alpha TINYINT, @OldPosition SMALLINT, @NewPosition SMALLINT SELECT @Result = '', @Alpha = 1, @OldPosition = 1, @NewPosition = 1 IF @Data LIKE '[0-9]%' SELECT @Result = REPLICATE(' ', @PartSize), @Alpha = 0 WHILE @NewPosition < LEN(@Data) SELECT @NewPosition = CASE @Alpha WHEN 1 THEN PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', SUBSTRING(@Data, @OldPosition, 8000)) ELSE PATINDEX('%[a-z]%', SUBSTRING(@Data, @OldPosition, 8000)) END, @NewPosition = CASE @NewPosition WHEN 0 THEN LEN(@Data) ELSE @OldPosition + @NewPosition - 2 END, @Result = @Result + CASE @Alpha WHEN 1 THEN LEFT(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@Data, @OldPosition, @NewPosition - @OldPosition + 1)) + REPLICATE(' ', @PartSize), @PartSize) ELSE RIGHT(REPLICATE(' ', @PartSize) + RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@Data, @OldPosition, @NewPosition - @OldPosition + 1)), @PartSize) END, @Alpha = 1 - @Alpha, @OldPosition = @NewPosition + 1 RETURNRTRIM(@Result) END Here is the code to test with DECLARE@Sample TABLE (Info VARCHAR(200)) INSERT@Sample SELECT'S0C 4610' UNIONALL SELECT'S9C 113' UNIONALL SELECT'S1C 462' UNIONALL SELECT'112' UNIONALL SELECT'113' UNIONALL SELECT'MM20BC' UNIONALL SELECT'SSC 113' UNIONALL SELECT'SSC 201' UNIONALL SELECT'SSC 461' UNIONALL SELECT'SSC 4610' UNIONALL SELECT'SSC 462' UNIONALL SELECT'SSCPZ202C' UNIONALL SELECT'Z1' UNIONALL SELECT'Z100' UNIONALL SELECT'ZZ' SELECTInfo FROM@Sample ORDERBY dbo. Read more →