Peter Larsson Blog

Patron Saint of Lost Yaks

Change collation

Yesterday I hade the unfortenate task to change the database collation for a particular database. Not only the default database collation should be changed, but also all columns! After some investigating about how to do this, I noticed that check constraints and foreign key constraints must be removed before changing a collation. Read more →

Complement of ISNUMERIC function

Today I was involved in an interesting topic about how to check if a text string really is integer or not. This is what I finally suggested. CREATEFUNCTION dbo.fnIsINT ( @Data NVARCHAR(11) ) RETURNSINT AS BEGIN RETURN CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(@Data, 2, LEN(@Data)) LIKE '%[^0-9]%' COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN THEN NULL WHEN SUBSTRING(@Data, 1, 1) NOT LIKE '[-+0-9]' COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN THEN NULL WHEN @Data IN('-', '+') THEN NULL WHEN CAST(@Data AS BIGINT) NOT BETWEEN -2147483648 AND 2147483647 THEN NULL ELSE CAST(@Data AS INT) END END Read more →

Manipulate XML data, continued

In my previous blog post about how to manipulate data in XML columns,, I didn't have time to include how to delete elements. Now I have and here you can see how to delete elements from a XML column. Read more →

How to calculate the number of weekdays for any given period

Here is a specialized version for a month, and here is a specialized version for a year. This code below calculates the number of weekdays for any given period. Read more →

How to calculate the number of weekdays in a month

Here you can find a specialized version that calculates number of weekdays for any given period. CREATEFUNCTION dbo.fnMonthWeekDays ( @Year SMALLINT, @Month TINYINT ) RETURNSTINYINT AS BEGIN RETURN ( SELECT 20 + SUM(1 - DATEDIFF(DAY, '17530101', dt) % 7 / 5) FROM ( SELECT DATEADD(MONTH, 12 * @Year - 22800 + @Month, -1) AS dt WHERE ISDATE(10000 * @Year + 100 * @Month + 31) = 1 UNION ALL SELECT DATEADD(MONTH, 12 * @Year - 22800 + @Month, -2) WHERE ISDATE(10000 * @Year + 100 * @Month + 30) = 1 UNION ALL SELECT CASE ISDATE(10000 * @Year + 100 * @Month + 29) WHEN 1 THEN DATEADD(MONTH, 12 * @Year - 22800 + @Month, -3) ELSE '18991231' END ) AS d WHERE @Year BETWEEN 1753 AND 9999 AND@Month BETWEEN 1 AND 12 ) END Legacy Comments Sowmya 2009-10-22 re: How to calculate the number of weekdays in a month Can u please explain the logic ? Read more →

How to calculate number of weekdays in a year

This function calculates the number of weeksdays in a year, and has error-checking for invalid years. It is also language independant. Here you can find a specialized version that calculates number of weekdays for any given period. Read more →

Extended Get Nth Weekday of period

Recently I posted a function which returned the Nth weekday of a month, either from the beginning of month or from the end of month. Function is found here I have fiddled around with it and have now extended the function to find the Nth weekday not only for a month, but also for a quarter or a year. Read more →

How to check Danish personal number

CREATEFUNCTION dbo.fnCheckDanSSN ( @SSN CHAR(10) ) RETURNSBIT AS BEGIN IF @SSN NOT LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' RETURN 0 DECLARE @x CHAR(6) SET @x = SUBSTRING(@SSN, 5, 2) + SUBSTRING(@SSN, 3, 2) + SUBSTRING(@SSN, 1, 2) IF SUBSTRING(@SSN, 7, 1) IN('0', '1', '2', '3') AND ISDATE('19' + @x) = 0 RETURN 0 IF SUBSTRING(@SSN, 7, 1) IN('4', '9') SUBSTRING(@SSN, 5, 2) BETWEEN '00' AND '36' AND ISDATE('20' + @x) = 0 RETURN 0 IF SUBSTRING(@SSN, 7, 1) IN('4', '9') SUBSTRING(@SSN, 5, 2) BETWEEN '37' AND '99' AND ISDATE('19' + @x) = 0 RETURN 0 IF SUBSTRING(@SSN, 7, 1) IN('5', '6', '7', '8') SUBSTRING(@SSN, 5, 2) BETWEEN '00' AND '57' AND ISDATE('20' + @x) = 0 RETURN 0 IF SUBSTRING(@SSN, 7, 1) IN('5', '6', '7', '8') SUBSTRING(@SSN, 5, 2) BETWEEN '58' AND '99' AND ISDATE('18' + @x) = 0 RETURN 0 DECLARE @Digits INT SET @Digits = 4 * SUBSTRING(@SSN, 1, 1) + 3 * SUBSTRING(@SSN, 2, 2) + 2 * SUBSTRING(@SSN, 3, 2) + 7 * SUBSTRING(@SSN, 4, 2) + 6 * SUBSTRING(@SSN, 5, 2) + 5 * SUBSTRING(@SSN, 6, 2) + 4 * SUBSTRING(@SSN, 7, 2) + 3 * SUBSTRING(@SSN, 8, 2) + 2 * SUBSTRING(@SSN, 9, 2) + 1 * SUBSTRING(@SSN, 10, 2) RETURN1 - SIGN(@Digits % 11) END Legacy Comments Saggi Neumann 2009-05-30 re: How to check Danish personal number This is how we validate ID numbers in Israel. Read more →