SQLBits - Unicode Porn
We've just finished up a fantastic event at SQLBits X in London! If you've never been to SQLBits and you can make it to the UK, I highly recommend it. If you didn't attend, here's what you missed.
Meanwhile, for those who attended the Lightning Talk sessions and were disappointed that I ran out of time, here's the last part that you would have seen:
/* How to Lose Friends and Irritate People…With Unicode!
Rob Volk
SQLBits X - London - March 31, 2012
– some sexy SQL
uni_char AS NCHAR(i),
hex AS CAST(i AS BINARY(2)))
INSERT @oohbaby VALUES(664),(1022),(1023),(1120),(1150),(8857),(11609),(42420),(42427)
– change results font to larger size, some only work in grid font
SELECT * FROM @oohbaby
SELECT NCHAR(1022) + NCHAR(1023) AS Page3Girl
It's probably better that you run this yourself, in the privacy of your own home/office, you know *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* *say no more*