Backup databases stored procedure - SQL LiteSpeed version
EDIT: This stored procedure has been updated.
Yesterday, I posted a stored procedure that performs a full backup on the databases. I mentioned that I had a SQL LiteSpeed version. This version backs up all databases except master, model, msdb, tempdb, pubs, NorthWind. It has one input parameters, which is the path to where you would like to backup the databases. It'll create a sub directory underneath that path for each of the databases. It also deletes any files that are older than two days in that sub directory. If a sub directory doesn't exist, it creates one for you. It checks how many processors exist in the database server using xp_regread since SQL LiteSpeed can perform better on a multi-processor server. We want n-1, for n processors according to the documentation. I haven't checked if it fails when there is only one processor, since 1-1 equals 0 and @threads is 1 - 32. I just don't have a single processor server with SQL LiteSpeed installed.
-- OBJECT NAME : isp_Backup_LS
-- AUTHOR : Tara Duggan
-- INPUTS : @Path - location of the backups
-- OUTPUTS : None
-- DESCRIPTION : This stored procedure performs a full backup on all of the user databases
-- EXAMPLES (optional) : EXEC isp_Backup_LS @Path = 'G:\MSSQL\Backup\'
(@Path VARCHAR(100))
DECLARE @Now CHAR(14) -- current date in the form of yyyymmddhhmmss
DECLARE @DBName SYSNAME -- stores the database name that is currently being processed
DECLARE @cmd SYSNAME -- stores the dynamically created DOS command
DECLARE @Result INT -- stores the result of the dir DOS command
DECLARE @NumProcs INT -- stores the number of processors that the server has registered
DECLARE @RowCnt INT -- stores @@ROWCOUNT
DECLARE @desc VARCHAR(200) -- stores the description of the backup
DECLARE @filename VARCHAR(200) -- stores the path and file name of the bkp file
-- Get the list of the databases to be backed up, does not include master, model, msdb, tempdb, Northwind, or pubs
INTO #WhichDatabase
FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases
WHERE name NOT IN ('master', 'model', 'msdb', 'pubs', 'tempdb', 'Northwind')
-- Get the number of processors that the server has
EXEC master..xp_regread
@rootkey = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
@key = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager',
@value_name = 'RegisteredProcessors',
@value = @NumProcs OUTPUT
-- We want n - 1 threads, where n is the number of processors
SELECT @NumProcs = @NumProcs - 1
-- Get the database to be backed up
SELECT TOP 1 @DBName = name
FROM #WhichDatabase
-- Iterate throught the temp table until no more databases need to be backed up
WHILE @RowCnt <> 0
-- Get the current date using style 120, remove all dashes, spaces, and colons
SELECT @Now = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), GETDATE(), 120), '-', ''), ' ', ''), ':', '')
-- Build the .bkp path and file name
SELECT @filename = @Path + @DBName + '\' + @DBName + '_LS_Full_' + @Now + '.bkp'
-- Build the description of the backup
SELECT @desc = 'Full backup of ' + @DBName + ' - ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), GETDATE())
-- Build the dir command that will check to see if the directory exists
SELECT @cmd = 'dir ' + @Path + @DBName
-- Run the dir command, put output of xp_cmdshell into @result
EXEC @result = master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd
-- If the directory does not exist, we must create it
IF @result <> 0
-- Build the mkdir command
SELECT @cmd = 'mkdir ' + @Path + @DBName
-- Create the directory
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd, NO_OUTPUT
-- The directory exists, so let's delete files older than two days
-- Stores the name of the file to be deleted
DECLARE @WhichFile VARCHAR(1000)
CREATE TABLE #DeleteOldFiles
DirInfo VARCHAR(7000)
-- Build the command that will list out all of the files in a directory
SELECT @cmd = 'dir ' + @Path + @DBName + ' /OD'
-- Run the dir command and put the results into a temp table
INSERT INTO #DeleteOldFiles
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd
-- Delete all rows from the temp table except the ones that correspond to the files to be deleted
FROM #DeleteOldFiles
WHERE ISDATE(SUBSTRING(DirInfo, 1, 10)) = 0 OR DirInfo LIKE '%
-- Get the file name portion of the row that corresponds to the file to be deleted
SELECT TOP 1 @WhichFile = SUBSTRING(DirInfo, LEN(DirInfo) - PATINDEX('% %', REVERSE(DirInfo)) + 2, LEN(DirInfo))
FROM #DeleteOldFiles
-- Interate through the temp table until there are no more files to delete
WHILE @RowCnt <> 0
-- Build the del command
SELECT @cmd = 'del ' + @Path + + @DBName + '\' + @WhichFile + ' /Q /F'
-- Delete the file
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd, NO_OUTPUT
-- To move to the next file, the current file name needs to be deleted from the temp table
FROM #DeleteOldFiles
WHERE SUBSTRING(DirInfo, LEN(DirInfo) - PATINDEX('% %', REVERSE(DirInfo)) + 2, LEN(DirInfo)) = @WhichFile
-- Get the file name portion of the row that corresponds to the file to be deleted
SELECT TOP 1 @WhichFile = SUBSTRING(DirInfo, LEN(DirInfo) - PATINDEX('% %', REVERSE(DirInfo)) + 2, LEN(DirInfo))
FROM #DeleteOldFiles
DROP TABLE #DeleteOldFiles
-- Backup the database using xp_backup_database
EXEC master.dbo.xp_backup_database
@database = @DBName,
@filename = @filename,
@backupname = @DBName,
@desc = @desc,
@init = 1,
@threads = @NumProcs
-- To move onto the next database, the current database name needs to be deleted from the temp table
FROM #WhichDatabase
WHERE name = @DBName
-- Get the database to be backed up
SELECT TOP 1 @DBName = name
FROM #WhichDatabase
-- Let the system rest for 5 seconds before starting on the next backup
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'
DROP TABLE #WhichDatabase
Legacy Comments
2004-06-18 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - SQL LiteSpeed version Yes I have a valid login and license. I am using their xp_backup_database stored procedure in my stored proc. I wanted it to do more than what theirs offers. |
Valter Borges
2004-06-18 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - SQL LiteSpeed version They have a stored procedure that does this already built on top of their xp_backup_database. Just search the downloads. |
Valter Borges
2004-06-18 |
Here it is. -- -- prc_DoSLSBackup -- Authors: Jeffrey Aven, DBassociatesIT Pty Ltd -- -- Revision History: -- 07/02 – 1.0 (Initial Version) -- 11/02 - 1.1 Added Differential Backup Functionality (J. Aven) -- 22/03 - 1.2 Added CompressionLevel Input Parameter (J. Aven) -- Added Support for Exclusion of Databases (J. Aven) -- 24/09 - 1.3 Added Error Handling for Concurrent Backup Operations (R. Risotto, J.Aven) -- 15/10 - 1.4 Fixed Imtermittent Issue with Excluded DBs (J. O'Brien, J.Aven) -- Continues backing up after DBCC error returns error at the end of the procedure (B. Reynen, J.Aven) -- 16/10 - 1.5 Added support for creating subdirectory for each database (J.Aven) -- 28/11 - 1.501 Added support for logging, removed compression level (J.Aven) -- 03/12 - 1.502 Added support for servername directory (J.Aven) CREATE PROCEDURE prc_DoSLSBackup @BackupType char(1) = 'F' --'D' for Differential Backups --'F' for Full Database Backup (Default) --'L' for Transaction Log Backup ,@DBName sysname = '*' --'*' for Backup All Databases (Default) --'<database_name>' to backup an individual database ,@BackupDir varchar(1024) --Directory to store SQL LiteSpeed Backups ,@DoVerify bit = 1 --1 = Perform Verification of SQL LIteSpeed Backups (Default) --0 = Skip Verification ,@UseCmdLine bit = 0 --1 = Use SQL LiteSpeed Command Line Interface --0 = Use SQL LiteSpeed Extended Stored Procedure Interface (Default) ,@Debug int = 0 --2 = Print verbose logging and generate SQL LiteSpeed log files --1 = Print verbose logging --0 = Minimal logging (Default) ,@EncryptionKey varchar(1024) = NULL --Encryption Key used to secure SQL LiteSpeed Backup Devices (Optional) ,@Threads int = NULL --Number of Threads to use for SQL LiteSpeed Backup, dynamically determined if not supplied ,@Priority int = NULL --Base priority of SQL LiteSpeed Backup process, dynamically determined if not supplied ,@RetainDays int = NULL --Number of days to retain backup device files, if supplied backup files older than the number of days specified --will be purged ,@InitBackupDevice bit = 0 --1 = Reinitialize backup device without date time stamp --0 = Create a new device for each backup which has the date time stamp embedded in the file name (Default) ,@PerformDBCC bit = 1 --1 = Perform DBCC CHECKDB prior to backing up database (default) --0 = Do not Perform DBCC CHECKDB prior to backing up database ,@ExcludedDBs varchar(2048) = NULL --Comma Delimited List of Databases in Double Quotes to be Excluded From Backup Operation --CAUTION: Ensure proper syntax (eg '"pubs","Northwind"') ,@create_sub_dir bit = 0 --Creates a subdirectory under the backup directory for each db being backed up ,@create_server_dir bit = 0 --Creates a directory under the backup directory for the current server, used for scenarios where muliple servers --are backing up to the same location, ensures no namespace conflicts AS SET ARITHABORT ON SET NOCOUNT ON --Local Variables DECLARE @DBStatus int ,@DBMode varchar(50) ,@StatusMsgPrefix char(18) ,@StatusMsg varchar(1024) ,@PhyName varchar(1024) ,@BackupType2 varchar(4) ,@Cmd varchar(1024) ,@RC int ,@dbid int ,@BackupStartTime varchar(12) ,@BackupAllDBs bit ,@Operation varchar(6) ,@CmdStr varchar(255) ,@BUFile varchar(255) ,@BUFileDate char(12) ,@BUFileDate2 smalldatetime ,@BaseBUFileDatalength int ,@sqlstr varchar(1048) ,@is_db_excluded bit ,@orig_backup_dir varchar(512) SELECT @StatusMsgPrefix = 'prc_DoSLSBackup : ' SELECT @BackupAllDBs = 0 SELECT @orig_backup_dir = @BackupDir --Check Access Level IF IS_SRVROLEMEMBER ( 'sysadmin') = 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + ' Error - Insufficient system access for ' + SUSER_SNAME() + ' to perform SQLLiteSpeed backup' RAISERROR(@StatusMsg,16,1) RETURN 1 END --Validate @BackupType Argument IF @BackupType IN ('L', 'F', 'D') BEGIN IF @BackupType = 'L' SELECT @BackupType2 = 'Log' IF @BackupType = 'F' SELECT @BackupType2 = 'Full' IF @BackupType = 'D' SELECT @BackupType2 = 'Diff' END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + ' Error - Valid parameters for @BackupType are L,F,D' RAISERROR(@StatusMsg,16,1) RETURN 1 END --Validate @DBName Argument IF @DBName <> '*' BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT [name] FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE [name] = @DBName) BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + ' Error - Invalid database selected for @DBName (' + @DBName + ') parameter' RAISERROR(@StatusMsg,16,1) RETURN 1 END IF @Debug > 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + @DBName + ' Selected for ' + @BackupType2 + ' Backup' PRINT @StatusMsg END GOTO DoBackup END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @BackupAllDBs = 1 IF @Debug > 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + ' All Databases Selected for ' + @BackupType2 + ' Backup' PRINT @StatusMsg END END DECLARE DBs CURSOR FOR SELECT name, dbid, status FROM master..sysdatabases WHERE [name] <> 'tempdb' FOR READ ONLY OPEN DBs FETCH NEXT FROM DBs INTO @DBName, @dbid, @DBStatus WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN --Is Databases Explicitly Excluded IF @ExcludedDBs IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @ExcludedDBs = REPLACE(@ExcludedDBs,'"',char(39)) IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE [name] = 'tmp_is_db_excluded') DROP TABLE tempdb..tmp_is_db_excluded CREATE TABLE tempdb..tmp_is_db_excluded ( is_db_excluded bit ) -- J. O'Brien need to reset bit field to 0 as if tmp_is_db_excluded is empty SELECT @is_db_excluded = 0 SELECT @sqlstr = 'IF ' + char(39) + @DBName + char(39) + ' IN (' + @ExcludedDBs + ') INSERT tempdb..tmp_is_db_excluded SELECT 1' EXEC (@sqlstr) SELECT @is_db_excluded = is_db_excluded FROM tempdb..tmp_is_db_excluded IF @is_db_excluded = 1 BEGIN IF @Debug > 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + ' Skippping ' + @DBName + ' as this database has been explicitly excluded' PRINT @StatusMsg END GOTO NextDB END END DoBackup: SELECT @Operation = 'Backup' SELECT @BackupStartTime = CONVERT(varchar(12),GETDATE(),12) + REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar(12),GETDATE(),8),':','') IF @BackupType = 'L' BEGIN --Check for System Database IF @dbid <= 4 BEGIN IF @Debug > 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'System Database (' + @DBName + ') skipped for transaction log backup' PRINT @StatusMsg END IF @BackupAllDBs = 1 GOTO NextDB ELSE BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + ' Error - Unable to backup ' + @DBName + ' - System Database' RAISERROR(@StatusMsg,16,1) RETURN 1 END END --Check for Simple Recovery Model IF @DBStatus & 8 <> 0 BEGIN IF @Debug > 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Database (' + @DBName + ') skipped for transaction log backup - Simple Recovery Model' PRINT @StatusMsg END IF @BackupAllDBs = 1 GOTO NextDB ELSE BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + ' Error - Unable to backup ' + @DBName + ' - Simple Recovery Model' RAISERROR(@StatusMsg,16,1) RETURN 1 END END END --Check Database Accessibility SELECT @DBMode = 'OK' IF DATABASEPROPERTY(@DBName, 'IsDetached') > 0 SELECT @DBMode = 'Detached' ELSE IF DATABASEPROPERTY(@DBName, 'IsInLoad') > 0 SELECT @DBMode = 'Loading' ELSE IF DATABASEPROPERTY(@DBName, 'IsNotRecovered') > 0 SELECT @DBMode = 'Not Recovered' ELSE IF DATABASEPROPERTY(@DBName, 'IsInRecovery') > 0 SELECT @DBMode = 'Recovering' ELSE IF DATABASEPROPERTY(@DBName, 'IsSuspect') > 0 SELECT @DBMode = 'Suspect' ELSE IF DATABASEPROPERTY(@DBName, 'IsOffline') > 0 SELECT @DBMode = 'Offline' ELSE IF DATABASEPROPERTY(@DBName, 'IsEmergencyMode') > 0 SELECT @DBMode = 'Emergency Mode' ELSE IF DATABASEPROPERTY(@DBName, 'IsShutDown') > 0 SELECT @DBMode = 'Shut Down (problems during startup)' IF @DBMode <> 'OK' BEGIN IF @Debug > 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Unable to backup ' + @DBName + ' - Database is in ' + @DBMode + ' state' PRINT @StatusMsg END IF @BackupAllDBs = 1 GOTO NextDB ELSE BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + ' Error - Unable to backup ' + @DBName + ' - Database is in ' + @DBMode + ' state' RAISERROR(@StatusMsg,16,1) RETURN 1 END END --Check if Backup Directory Exists IF @create_server_dir = 1 and @create_sub_dir = 1 SELECT @BackupDir = @orig_backup_dir + '\' + @@SERVERNAME + '\' + @DBName IF @create_server_dir = 1 and @create_sub_dir = 0 SELECT @BackupDir = @orig_backup_dir + '\' + @@SERVERNAME IF @create_server_dir = 0 and @create_sub_dir = 1 SELECT @BackupDir = @orig_backup_dir + '\' + @DBName SELECT @Cmd = 'dir "' + @BackupDir + '"' EXEC @RC = master..xp_cmdshell @Cmd, NO_OUTPUT IF @RC <> 0 --Create Backup Directory BEGIN SELECT @Cmd = 'md "' + @BackupDir + '"' EXEC @RC = master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @Cmd, NO_OUTPUT IF @RC <> 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + ' Error - Unable to create backup directory (' + @BackupDir + ')' RAISERROR(@StatusMsg,16,1) RETURN 1 END END --Build the Backup File Name SELECT @PhyName = @BackupDir + '\' + REPLACE(@@SERVERNAME,'\','_') + '.' + REPLACE(@DBName,'.','_') + '.' + @BackupType2 IF @InitBackupDevice = 0 --New Device For Each Backup SELECT @PhyName = @PhyName + @BackupStartTime + '.SLS' ELSE --Re-Initialize Each Backup Device SELECT @PhyName = @PhyName + '.SLS' --Set Tuning Defaults IF @Threads IS NULL BEGIN CREATE TABLE #MSVer ( [Index] int ,[Name] varchar (255) ,Internal_Value int NULL ,Charater_Value varchar(255) ) INSERT #MSVer EXEC master..xp_msver SELECT @Threads = Internal_Value FROM #MSVer WHERE [Name] = 'ProcessorCount' DROP TABLE #MSVer END IF @Priority IS NULL SELECT @Priority = 0 --Do DBCC CHECKDB IF @PerformDBCC = 1 BEGIN IF @Debug > 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Executing DBCC CHECKDB on Database ' + @DBName + char(10) PRINT @StatusMsg DBCC CHECKDB (@DBName) END ELSE DBCC CHECKDB (@DBName) WITH NO_INFOMSGS SET @RC = @@ERROR IF @RC <> 0 BEGIN SELECT @Operation = 'DBCC CHECKDB' GOTO FailedBackup END END --Do Backup IF @BackupType = 'F' --Perform Full Database Backup BEGIN IF @UseCmdLine = 1 BEGIN SELECT @Cmd = char(34) + 'C:\Program Files\DBAssociates\SQLLiteSpeed\SQLLiteSpeed.EXE' + char(34) + ' -S' + @@SERVERNAME + ' -BDatabase' + ' -D' + @DBName + ' -F' + @PhyName + ' -t' + CONVERT(varchar(2),@Threads) + ' -p' + CONVERT(varchar(2),@Priority) + ' -I' + ' -T' IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SELECT @Cmd = @Cmd + ' -K' + @EncryptionKey IF @Debug > 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Executing Backup of Database ' + @DBName PRINT @StatusMsg SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Command to be Executed : ' + char(10) + char(9) + @Cmd + char(10) PRINT @StatusMsg EXEC @RC = master..xp_cmdshell @Cmd END ELSE EXEC @RC = master..xp_cmdshell @Cmd, NO_OUTPUT END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @Cmd = 'EXEC master..xp_backup_database' + char(10) + char(9) + '@database = ' + char(39) + @DBName + char(39) + char(10) + char(9) + ', @filename = ' + char(39) + @PhyName + char(39) + char(10) + char(9) + ', @threads = ' + CONVERT(varchar(2),@Threads) + char(10) + char(9) + ', @priority = ' + CONVERT(varchar(2),@Priority) + char(10) + char(9) + ', @init = 1' + char(10) + char(9) + ', @logging = ' + CONVERT(char(1),@Debug) + char(10) IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SELECT @Cmd = @Cmd + char(9) + ', @encryptionkey = ' + char(39) + @EncryptionKey + char(39) + char(10) IF @Debug > 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Executing Backup of Database ' + @DBName PRINT @StatusMsg SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Command to be Executed : ' + char(10) + char(9) + @Cmd + char(10) PRINT @StatusMsg END IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL EXEC @RC = master..xp_backup_database @database = @DBName ,@filename = @PhyName ,@threads = @Threads ,@priority = @Priority ,@init = 1 ,@encryptionkey = @EncryptionKey ,@logging = @Debug ELSE EXEC @RC = master..xp_backup_database @database = @DBName ,@filename = @PhyName ,@threads = @Threads ,@priority = @Priority ,@init = 1 ,@logging = @Debug END IF @RC <> 0 GOTO FailedBackup END IF @BackupType = 'D' --Perform Differential Database Backup BEGIN IF @DBName = 'master' GOTO NextDB IF @UseCmdLine = 1 BEGIN SELECT @Cmd = char(34) + 'C:\Program Files\DBAssociates\SQLLiteSpeed\SQLLiteSpeed.EXE' + char(34) + ' -S' + @@SERVERNAME + ' -BDatabase' + ' -D' + @DBName + ' -F' + @PhyName + ' -t' + CONVERT(varchar(2),@Threads) + ' -p' + CONVERT(varchar(2),@Priority) + ' -I' + ' -T' + ' -WDIFFERENTIAL' IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SELECT @Cmd = @Cmd + ' -K' + @EncryptionKey IF @Debug > 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Executing Backup of Database ' + @DBName PRINT @StatusMsg SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Command to be Executed : ' + char(10) + char(9) + @Cmd + char(10) PRINT @StatusMsg EXEC @RC = master..xp_cmdshell @Cmd END ELSE EXEC @RC = master..xp_cmdshell @Cmd, NO_OUTPUT END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @Cmd = 'EXEC master..xp_backup_database' + char(10) + char(9) + '@database = ' + char(39) + @DBName + char(39) + char(10) + char(9) + ', @filename = ' + char(39) + @PhyName + char(39) + char(10) + char(9) + ', @threads = ' + CONVERT(varchar(2),@Threads) + char(10) + char(9) + ', @priority = ' + CONVERT(varchar(2),@Priority) + char(10) + char(9) + ', @init = 1' + char(10) + char(9) + ', @with = ' + char(39) + 'DIFFERENTIAL' + char(39) + char(10) + char(9) + ', @logging = ' + CONVERT(char(1),@Debug) + char(10) IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SELECT @Cmd = @Cmd + char(9) + ', @encryptionkey = ' + char(39) + @EncryptionKey + char(39) + char(10) IF @Debug > 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Executing Backup of Database ' + @DBName PRINT @StatusMsg SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Command to be Executed : ' + char(10) + char(9) + @Cmd + char(10) PRINT @StatusMsg END IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL EXEC @RC = master..xp_backup_database @database = @DBName ,@filename = @PhyName ,@threads = @Threads ,@priority = @Priority ,@init = 1 ,@encryptionkey = @EncryptionKey ,@with = 'DIFFERENTIAL' ,@logging = @Debug ELSE EXEC @RC = master..xp_backup_database @database = @DBName ,@filename = @PhyName ,@threads = @Threads ,@priority = @Priority ,@init = 1 ,@with = 'DIFFERENTIAL' ,@logging = @Debug END IF @RC <> 0 BEGIN IF @RC = 11704 BEGIN GOTO NextDB END ELSE BEGIN GOTO FailedBackup END END END IF @BackupType = 'L' --Perform Transaction Log Backup BEGIN IF @UseCmdLine = 1 BEGIN SELECT @Cmd = char(34) + 'C:\Program Files\DBAssociates\SQLLiteSpeed\SQLLiteSpeed.EXE' + char(34) + ' -S' + @@SERVERNAME + ' -BLog' + ' -D' + @DBName + ' -F' + @PhyName + ' -t' + CONVERT(varchar(2),@Threads) + ' -p' + CONVERT(varchar(2),@Priority) + ' -I' + ' -T' IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SELECT @Cmd = @Cmd + ' -K' + @EncryptionKey IF @Debug > 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Executing Backup of Database ' + @DBName PRINT @StatusMsg SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Command to be Executed : ' + char(10) + char(9) + @Cmd + char(10) PRINT @StatusMsg EXEC @RC = master..xp_cmdshell @Cmd END ELSE EXEC @RC = master..xp_cmdshell @Cmd, NO_OUTPUT END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @Cmd = 'EXEC master..xp_backup_log' + char(10) + char(9) + '@database = ' + char(39) + @DBName + char(39) + char(10) + char(9) + ', @filename = ' + char(39) + @PhyName + char(39) + char(10) + char(9) + ', @threads = ' + CONVERT(varchar(2),@Threads) + char(10) + char(9) + ', @priority = ' + CONVERT(varchar(2),@Priority) + char(10) + char(9) + ', @init = 1' + char(10) + char(9) + ', @logging = ' + CONVERT(char(1),@Debug) + char(10) IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SELECT @Cmd = @Cmd + char(9) + ', @encryptionkey = ' + char(39) + @EncryptionKey + char(39) + char(10) IF @Debug > 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Executing Backup of Database ' + @DBName PRINT @StatusMsg SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Command to be Executed : ' + char(10) + char(9) + @Cmd + char(10) PRINT @StatusMsg END IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL EXEC @RC = master..xp_backup_log @database = @DBName ,@filename = @PhyName ,@threads = @Threads ,@priority = @Priority ,@init = 1 ,@encryptionkey = @EncryptionKey ,@logging = @Debug ELSE EXEC @RC = master..xp_backup_log @database = @DBName ,@filename = @PhyName ,@threads = @Threads ,@priority = @Priority ,@init = 1 ,@logging = @Debug END IF @RC <> 0 BEGIN IF @RC = 11704 BEGIN GOTO NextDB END ELSE BEGIN GOTO FailedBackup END END END --Verify Backup Device IF @DoVerify = 1 BEGIN IF @UseCmdLine = 1 BEGIN SELECT @Cmd = char(34) + 'C:\Program Files\DBAssociates\SQLLiteSpeed\SQLLiteSpeed.EXE' + char(34) + ' -S' + @@SERVERNAME + ' -RVerifyonly' + ' -F' + @PhyName IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SELECT @Cmd = @Cmd + ' -K' + @EncryptionKey IF @Debug > 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Executing Verifyonly of Backup Device ' + @PhyName PRINT @StatusMsg SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Command to be Executed : ' + char(10) + char(9) + @Cmd + char(10) PRINT @StatusMsg EXEC @RC = master..xp_cmdshell @Cmd END ELSE EXEC @RC = master..xp_cmdshell @Cmd, NO_OUTPUT END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @Cmd = 'EXEC master..xp_restore_verifyonly' + char(10) + char(9) + ' @filename = ' + char(39) + @PhyName + char(39) + char(10) IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SELECT @Cmd = @Cmd + char(9) + ', @encryptionkey = ' + char(39) + @EncryptionKey + char(39) + char(10) IF @Debug > 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Executing Verifyonly of Backup Device ' + @PhyName PRINT @StatusMsg SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Command to be Executed : ' + char(10) + char(9) + @Cmd + char(10) PRINT @StatusMsg END IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL EXEC @RC = master..xp_restore_verifyonly @filename = @PhyName ,@encryptionkey = @EncryptionKey ,@logging = @Debug ELSE EXEC @RC = master..xp_restore_verifyonly @filename = @PhyName ,@logging = @Debug END IF @RC <> 0 BEGIN SELECT @Operation = 'Verify' GOTO FailedBackup END END --Delete Old Backup Files IF @RetainDays IS NOT NULL AND @InitBackupDevice = 0 BEGIN --Building up Table of Files to Delete CREATE TABLE #DirOut ( [Output] varchar(255) ) SELECT @CmdStr = 'dir "' + @BackupDir + '\' + REPLACE(@@SERVERNAME,'\','_') + '.' + REPLACE(@DBName,'.','_') + '.' + @BackupType2 + '*.SLS" /B' SELECT @BaseBUFileDatalength = LEN(REPLACE(@@SERVERNAME,'\','_') + '.' + REPLACE(@DBName,'.','_') + '.' + @BackupType2) INSERT #DirOut EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @CmdStr --Scroll Through Table DECLARE BUFiles CURSOR FOR SELECT [Output] FROM #DirOut WHERE [Output] IS NOT NULL FOR READ ONLY OPEN BUFiles FETCH NEXT FROM BUFiles INTO @BUFile WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN --Reconstruct DateTime From Filename SELECT @BUFileDate = LEFT(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(@BUFile,@BaseBUFileDatalength + 1,LEN(@BUFile)),'.SLS',''),6) SELECT @BUFileDate2 = CONVERT(smalldatetime,@BUFileDate,12) --Compare Date IF @BUFile <> (REPLACE(@@SERVERNAME,'\','_') + '.' + REPLACE(@DBName,'.','_') + '.' + @BackupType2 + '.SLS') BEGIN IF DATEDIFF(d,@BUFileDate2,getdate()) > @RetainDays BEGIN SELECT @CmdStr = 'del "' + @BackupDir + '\' + @BUFile + '"' IF @Debug > 0 BEGIN SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Deleting File : ' + @BUFile PRINT @StatusMsg SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + 'Command to be Executed : ' + @CmdStr PRINT @StatusMsg EXEC @RC = master..xp_cmdshell @CmdStr END ELSE EXEC @RC = master..xp_cmdshell @CmdStr, NO_OUTPUT END END FETCH NEXT FROM BUFiles INTO @BUFile END CLOSE BUFiles DEALLOCATE BUFiles DROP TABLE #DirOut END IF @BackupAllDBs = 0 GOTO NoCursor ELSE GOTO NextDB FailedBackup: SELECT @StatusMsg = @StatusMsgPrefix + ' Error - ' + @Operation + ' Operation Failed for ' + @BackupType + ' Backup of ' + @DBName RAISERROR(@StatusMsg,16,1) IF @BackupAllDBs = 0 GOTO NoCursor ELSE GOTO NextDB NextDB: FETCH NEXT FROM DBs INTO @DBName, @dbid, @DBStatus END CLOSE DBs DEALLOCATE DBs NoCursor: GO |
2004-06-18 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - SQL LiteSpeed version I'm pretty happy with mine. Theirs uses a cursor. You have to use some kind of loop to do it, but I'd rather use a WHILE loop than a cursor. |
Pat Wright
2004-07-08 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - SQL LiteSpeed version I'm just curious what kind of compression your getting with litespeed. I'm very happy with mine but i was curious what others were getting? what's your largest db and what does it go down to? My 280GB goes down to 50 for it's fulls and usually about 25 for it's diffs. Thanks |
2004-07-08 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - SQL LiteSpeed version Mine get down by 75% usually. I haven't run any diffs, so I can't comment on that. |
2004-07-23 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - SQL LiteSpeed version I am having problems with the prc_DoSLSBackup scirpt. It does not resume wel when it fails to backup a database. isp_Backup_LS script does work well at resuming but does not provide me with the same customazation with the legth the duration the backups are kept and it does not provide the function to verfy the backup. Can anyone help? |
2004-07-23 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - SQL LiteSpeed version I am having problems with the prc_DoSLSBackup scirpt. It does not resume wel when it fails to backup a database. isp_Backup_LS script does work well at resuming but does not provide me with the same customazation with the legth the duration the backups are kept and it does not provide the function to verfy the backup. Can anyone help? |
2004-07-23 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - SQL LiteSpeed version Change this line: WHERE ISDATE(SUBSTRING(DirInfo, 1, 10)) = 0 OR DirInfo LIKE '%<DIR>%' OR SUBSTRING(DirInfo, 1, 10) >= GETDATE() - 2 to WHERE ISDATE(SUBSTRING(DirInfo, 1, 10)) = 0 OR DirInfo LIKE '%<DIR>%' OR SUBSTRING(DirInfo, 1, 10) >= GETDATE() - @Retention Then change this CREATE PROC isp_Backup_LS (@Path VARCHAR(100)) AS to CREATE PROC isp_Backup_LS (@Path VARCHAR(100), @Retention INT) AS So you'll now be able to pass in the number of days to retain the backup: EXEC isp_Backup_LS @Path = 'G:\MSSQL\Backup\', @Retention = 5 |
2004-07-23 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - SQL LiteSpeed version Thank you that is a big help. Do you have any code to verifing the backup? I have tried to integrate the code to verify from the other script but I do not know the lnaguage very well. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -Andrew |
2004-07-23 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - SQL LiteSpeed version The only true way to verify a backup is to restore it. Backups should be tested at least once a week. You should have a test server setup for this. Copy the backup files over to it and restore them. If it restores fine, then the backup is good. |
2004-07-23 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - SQL LiteSpeed version Thank you for the advise but because of the scale of our SQL severs that is not an option. Thank you greatly for your help. -Andrew |
2004-08-03 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - SQL LiteSpeed version xp_msver ProcessorCount is the best way to get the proc count. Reading the registry the way you do can give bogus information. Wes |
2004-08-03 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - SQL LiteSpeed version Here is an example: declare @numproc tinyint create table #numproc ( [Index] int, Name varchar(255), Internal_Value varchar(255), Character_value varchar(255) ) insert into #numproc exec xp_msver ProcessorCount set @numproc = (select cast(Internal_Value as int) from #numproc) if @numproc > 1 begin set @numproc = @numproc - 1 end print @numproc drop table #numproc it doesn't take into account of hyperthreaded cpu's I'm not sure how you can find that out yet. I'm working on it. Wes |
2004-09-29 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - SQL LiteSpeed version please explain what stored procedure backs up all databases at once. Thanks |