Delete Backup History stored procedure
Kristen recently asked why his msdb database had grown so large (750MB). He found out that it was due to the sizes of the backup system tables. These tables store information used for backup and restore operations. If you've ever used the restore database wizard in Enterprise Manager (and if you have, you might want to start using Query Analyzer instead to get more familiar with backup and restore operations), you might notice that it displays a listing of previous backups to choose from for the restore. It gathers this information from these backup system tables. If you backup your transaction logs as often as we do (every 15 minutes), these tables can get quite large. Microsoft provides sp_delete_backuphistory to delete this data. As Kristen found out, this stored procedure is very slow as it uses a cursor to loop through the data. Using sp_delete_backuphistory took over 2 hours to delete all but 10 days worth of data. I provided to him my version of this stored procedure that uses JOINs instead of a cursor. With slight modifications, he was able to get it working for him. This version was able to delete all but 10 days worth of data in 32 seconds. Here's the stored procedure:
CREATE PROC isp_DeleteBackupHistory
(@DaysToRetain int)
DECLARE @Err int
DECLARE @rc int
DELETE FROM msdb..restorefile
FROM msdb..restorefile rf
INNER JOIN msdb..restorehistory rh
ON rf.restore_history_id = rh.restore_history_id
INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs
ON rh.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id
WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < (GETDATE() - @DaysToRetain)
SET @Err = @@ERROR
IF @Err <> 0
GOTO Error_Exit
DELETE FROM msdb..restorefilegroup
FROM msdb..restorefilegroup rfg
INNER JOIN msdb..restorehistory rh
ON rfg.restore_history_id = rh.restore_history_id
INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs
ON rh.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id
WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < (GETDATE() - @DaysToRetain)
SET @Err = @@ERROR
IF @Err <> 0
GOTO Error_Exit
DELETE FROM msdb..restorehistory
FROM msdb..restorehistory rh
INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs
ON rh.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id
WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < (GETDATE() - @DaysToRetain)
SET @Err = @@ERROR
IF @Err <> 0
GOTO Error_Exit
SELECT media_set_id, backup_finish_date
INTO #Temp
FROM msdb..backupset
WHERE backup_finish_date < (GETDATE() - @DaysToRetain)
SET @Err = @@ERROR
IF @Err <> 0
GOTO Error_Exit
DELETE FROM msdb..backupfile
FROM msdb..backupfile bf
INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs
ON bf.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id
ON bs.media_set_id = t.media_set_id
WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < (GETDATE() - @DaysToRetain)
SET @Err = @@ERROR
IF @Err <> 0
GOTO Error_Exit
DELETE FROM msdb..backupset
FROM msdb..backupset bs
ON bs.media_set_id = t.media_set_id
SET @Err = @@ERROR
IF @Err <> 0
GOTO Error_Exit
DELETE FROM msdb..backupmediafamily
FROM msdb..backupmediafamily bmf
INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediaset bms
ON bmf.media_set_id = bms.media_set_id
ON bms.media_set_id = t.media_set_id
SET @Err = @@ERROR
IF @Err <> 0
GOTO Error_Exit
DELETE FROM msdb..backupmediaset
FROM msdb..backupmediaset bms
ON bms.media_set_id = t.media_set_id
SET @Err = @@ERROR
IF @Err <> 0
GOTO Error_Exit
SET @rc = 0
GOTO isp_DeleteBackupHistory_Exit
SET @rc = -1
Legacy Comments
2004-07-07 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Hello, First off, this is THE best blog / SQL site I have encountered, thank you for your time - honestly. Is there a way to configure the SP to excluded or only include certain DB's? I have certain DB's that only need one day recovery and others that need a week. TIA, J |
2004-07-07 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Is the backup history important though for recovery? IMO, no. You can still restore a database without this information in the backup system tables. It's just there to let you know what backups have occurred. So if you've deleted all but 2 days in these tables, you can still restore everything backup (as long as you have them) prior to those 2 days. But yes you can modify it for a specific database. You would need an input parameter that gets the database name or database id. Then you'd need to add that input parameter to each of the queries. |
2004-07-07 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Ok, thanks. |
Pat Wright
2004-07-08 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Love the blog also. Just wanted to comment as much as i love a good stored procedure challenge and i frequently write my own don't count microsoft out just yet. they have a procedure in the msdb database that will do this for you . sp_delete_database_backuphistory will clear out your backup history just run it and pass the dbname. pat |
2004-07-08 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Pat, Did you read my blog intro? It mentions how slow that stored procedure is. It uses a cursor. Mine uses joins instead. Mine is at least 10 times faster. |
Kevin Zou
2004-07-08 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Msg 547, Level 16, State 0 Server 'xxxxx', Procedure 'isp_DeleteBackupHistory', Line 72 DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint 'FK__backupfil__backu__02FC7413'. The conflict occurred in database 'msdb', table 'backupfile', column 'backup_set_id'. The statement has been terminated. Msg 3701, Level 11, State 5 Server 'HERSQLNDB01', Procedure 'isp_DeleteBackupHistory', Line 118 Cannot drop the table '#Temp', because it does not exist in the system catalog. (return status = 0) |
2004-07-08 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Interesting. Works fine for me. Kristen had originally received foreign key errors, but he rearranged some of the code and got it to work. I posted the revised version. So it works on his system and mine. Don't know why it doesn't work for you. |
2004-07-09 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Am I dense....Kristen seems to me to be a girl's name (I should know, it's my daughter's name), but you keep referring to Kristen as "He." Anyhow, love the procs. |
2004-07-09 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Check out his profile on SQLTeam by clicking on his name in my blog. It says Gender: Male. I thought Kristen was a female too until I saw the profile. |
2004-09-01 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Essa procedure esta dando erro. Server: Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_DeleteBackupHistory, Line 38 DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint 'FK__restorefi__resto__07C12930'. the conflict occurred in database 'msdb', table 'restorefile', column 'restore_history_id'. Server: Msg 3701, Level 11, State 1, Procedure sp_DeleteBackupHistory, Line 118 Cannot drop the table '#Temp', because it does not exist in the system catalog. The statement has been terminated. O que fazer...??? |
Josh D
2005-06-29 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure I'm getting the same error as the others when running this procedure. I'm running Windows 2000 Server with SQL Server 2000 (all patched). Any ideas on how to get this to work? I have a LOT of junk in my msdb file that will litterally take me 1 week of running to clear out. I have to find a better way! Thanks, Josh |
2005-06-29 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure has a few ways of how to fix it. I've never gone back to fix mine though. I just added a retry step of 2 in the job step and it completes successfully always on the first or second try. Other people have just added an index to one of the tables in the msdb database and ran MS' version of the stored procedure. I don't add indexes to any system objects, so I've never tried the performance out doing it that way. |
2005-06-30 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure I tried the index to speed up Microsofts stored procedure and it didn't work, I was able to get the code above to run with slight modifications to some of the delete statements, to avoid deleting media labels that were reused at a later date. |
2005-09-02 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure I believe....the solution to the FK issue is that there needs to be a "where statement" on the JOINS to the #temp the date check. ie "WHERE T.backup_finish_date < (GETDATE() - @DaysToRetain)" AS IT IS - the code probably doesn't encounter any problems on 'clean systems'. |
2005-10-22 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure I experienced the foreign key conflicts too, even after adding the WHERE statements in the proc. Disabled the related foreign keys, then it ran OK. Re-enabled the FKs afterwards. |
2005-11-02 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure yah |
2005-11-19 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure It works fine on clean systems because the restoreXXXX databases are empty. It dies when there are entries in the restorefile/history/filegroups databases. Don't have time right now to do a workaround on it ... so my simplest solution was to do truncate table on restorefile, restorehistory and restorefilegroups. |
2005-12-21 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Does anyone have any "finalized" proc that will work??? Unfortunately, I have many SQL Server installations that have tons of rows that need deleted. Running Microsofts proc will never work cause of the extradordinary amount of time it will take to clean this all up. My intnetions are to "catchup" and then run a "clean" proc monthly. Any assistance would be appreciated (The posted proc abends because of the rows in restoreXXXX tables) I can fudege this by truncating those rows as someone posted...but I am looking for a longterm solution . Thaks and sorry for rambling on.... |
2005-12-21 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure I was trying to move forward and tried Bud's solution of truncating tables restoreXXX so I have zero rows in them. Then I tried to run the provided proc...and it still abends..... any/all help appreciated..... |
2005-12-21 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure What I have done to workaround the problem is set the job to retry 3 times prior to completing. This fixes the problem for me, so that's why I haven't gone back and fixed the code. I believe Kristen (that's his userid and name) has a fixed proc in the forums at He took mine and modified it as necessary. I never got around to testing his though. |
2005-12-21 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Hi Tara. I cant find Kristens proc at that site...but I did some experimenting this morning and I can get 'your' proc to execute successfully with just one pass. Only thing I had to do was disable the one Foreign Key on the "backupfile" table in MSDB. I then ran your proc(successfully). I then re-enable that FK after I run your proc. All seems fine when I follow that methodology. I tried that on 2 boxes and both run fine using this.... |
2006-01-24 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure The error people spoke of has to do with the date qualifier on the first query after building the temp table. Also, I run a modified version that sets the qualifier to a consistent value at midnight. CREATE PROC isp_DeleteBackupHistory (@DaysToRetain int) AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @Err int DECLARE @rc int DECLARE @DeleteDate datetime BEGIN TRAN set @DeleteDate = convert(datetime,convert(varchar,getdate()-@DaysToRetain,101),101) DELETE FROM msdb..restorefile FROM msdb..restorefile rf INNER JOIN msdb..restorehistory rh ON rf.restore_history_id = rh.restore_history_id INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs ON rh.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < @DeleteDate SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..restorefilegroup FROM msdb..restorefilegroup rfg INNER JOIN msdb..restorehistory rh ON rfg.restore_history_id = rh.restore_history_id INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs ON rh.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < @DeleteDate SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..restorehistory FROM msdb..restorehistory rh INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs ON rh.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < @DeleteDate SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit SELECT media_set_id, backup_finish_date INTO #Temp FROM msdb..backupset WHERE backup_finish_date < @DeleteDate SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..backupfile FROM msdb..backupfile bf INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs ON bf.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id INNER JOIN #Temp t ON bs.media_set_id = t.media_set_id --WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < @DeleteDate SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..backupset FROM msdb..backupset bs INNER JOIN #Temp t ON bs.media_set_id = t.media_set_id SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..backupmediafamily FROM msdb..backupmediafamily bmf INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediaset bms ON bmf.media_set_id = bms.media_set_id INNER JOIN #Temp t ON bms.media_set_id = t.media_set_id SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..backupmediaset FROM msdb..backupmediaset bms INNER JOIN #Temp t ON bms.media_set_id = t.media_set_id SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit COMMIT TRAN SET @rc = 0 GOTO isp_DeleteBackupHistory_Exit Error_Exit: ROLLBACK TRAN SET @rc = -1 isp_DeleteBackupHistory_Exit: DROP TABLE #Temp SET NOCOUNT OFF RETURN @rc GO |
2006-02-22 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Peter, I'm no SQL questions will prove with that your proc, you have the code set @DeleteDate = convert(datetime,convert(varchar,getdate()-@DaysToRetain,101),101) What exactly is that doing/mean??? What significance is the value 101 ?? Thank you. |
2006-02-22 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure 101 is the style used for the datetime conversion. Check out CONVERT in SQL Server Books Online for details. |
Todd Nelson
2006-02-28 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Thanks for this SP. It wiped out 3 years worth of useless backup / restore information from my SQL Server in just over 6 minutes. |
2006-03-10 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Question....I am using the most recent updated proc that Peter had posted at this site. I am using it on servers that have log shipping enabled. On some servers, it is executing fine. On others I get an error. The only solution I have found is to disable the constraint in question and then re-run the proc....and then it runs fine. Can anyone explain why I must disable this constraint??? I would like to have this run without disabling constraints on msdb tables. If I can achieve that, then i feel comfortable scheduling this proc to run. Thanks in advance for any insight anyone can provide..... The cut/paste of the error when trying to run the proc is: Server: Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Zsp_DeleteBackupHistory, Line 75 DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint 'FK__restorehi__backu__05D8E0BE'. The conflict occurred in database 'msdb', table 'restorehistory', column 'backup_set_id'. Server: Msg 3701, Level 11, State 1, Procedure Zsp_DeleteBackupHistory, Line 121 Cannot drop the table '#Temp', because it does not exist in the system catalog. The statement has been terminated. |
2006-03-10 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Don't bother disabling the constraint. Just modify the job so that the job step retries 4 times. It always succeed. |
2006-03-13 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Tara, I cant get it to work for me. I created a job to run the proc and set it to 4 retrys on the Advanced still abends. I then as a test ran the proc 6 times consecutively in a Sql Query Analyzer session and it abends 6 times...all with the same abend. Could it be this is something new( these servers have log shipping)...or am I not following your directions/suggestions correctly????? If I disable the constraint, then the proc executes fine. The error I get is: Server: Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Zsp_DeleteBackupHistory, Line 75 DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint 'FK__restorehi__backu__05D8E0BE'. The conflict occurred in database 'msdb', table 'restorehistory', column 'backup_set_id'. Server: Msg 3701, Level 11, State 1, Procedure Zsp_DeleteBackupHistory, Line 121 Cannot drop the table '#Temp', because it does not exist in the system catalog. The statement has been terminated. |
2006-03-28 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Any solution to the above.....rerunning the job 6 times doesn't solve this. Any other ideas???????? |
2006-03-28 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Did you try the code that was posted in the comments here as well? If you did and it didn't work, try searching the forums for this stored procedure. In it, I posted my solution to Kristen's post. He came across the same errors and reworked my code. He posted his final solution. |
2006-03-28 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Tara, could you post what 'topic' you have this procedure saved under in the site. I'm having difficulty finding yours. Thank you |
2006-04-04 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure consider me as a lazy DBA, i have more than 500 databases on my sql server with 1 full backup each day and transaction log backup after every 10 minutes for every user database. The size of msdb was 11 GB a month ago, i tried to run this customized stored procedure, it run for a couple of days but then i restarted my server because of patch management. Today, the size of msdb WAS 13.5 GB with 15 million rows in each of backup system tables... what I did was I removed all the foreign key constraints from the backup system tables and run the "truncate table" command for each table. after that i shrink the database (13.5 GB to 40 MB) and recovered all the space. Then I re-created all the foreign key constraints and it hardly took 10 to 15 minutes. please comment on it, |
2006-04-11 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Tara, thank you for sticking with me thru this. I believe I have installed a proc that does not abend because of RI issues. I have this running weekly on 20 Sql Servers and no longer get abends. I have used your proc and added the code that "SHAY" had posted in his forum response. The proc runs fine with servers with and with out Log Shipping...and all execute with success with just one pass. Your posting pointing me to the Forum allowed me to find SHAYS posting. Again, Thanks Tara....... |
2006-04-20 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Phil, Could you post the code that you are using. I am having problems with the FKey constraints. |
2006-04-21 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Chris, Let me know if this solved your Fkey issues: You'll have to make sure this cut/paste doesnt word wrap for you. CREATE PROC Zsp_DeleteBackupHistory (@DaysToRetain int) AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @Err int DECLARE @rc int BEGIN TRAN DELETE FROM msdb..restorefile FROM msdb..restorefile rf INNER JOIN msdb..restorehistory rh ON rf.restore_history_id = rh.restore_history_id INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs ON rh.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < (GETDATE() - @DaysToRetain) SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..restorefilegroup FROM msdb..restorefilegroup rfg INNER JOIN msdb..restorehistory rh ON rfg.restore_history_id = rh.restore_history_id INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs ON rh.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < (GETDATE() - @DaysToRetain) SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..restorehistory FROM msdb..restorehistory rh INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs ON rh.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < (GETDATE() - @DaysToRetain) SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit SELECT media_set_id, backup_finish_date INTO #Temp FROM msdb..backupset WHERE backup_finish_date < (GETDATE() - @DaysToRetain) SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..backupfile FROM msdb..backupfile bf INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs ON bf.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id INNER JOIN #Temp t ON bs.media_set_id = t.media_set_id WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < (GETDATE() - @DaysToRetain) SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..backupset FROM msdb..backupset bs INNER JOIN #Temp t ON bs.media_set_id = t.media_set_id where bs.backup_finish_date < getdate() -@DaysToRetain SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..backupmediafamily FROM msdb..backupmediafamily bmf INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediaset bms ON bmf.media_set_id = bms.media_set_id INNER JOIN #Temp t ON bms.media_set_id = t.media_set_id where not exists (select media_set_id from msdb..backupset bs where bs.media_set_id=t.media_set_id and bs.backup_finish_date> (getdate()-@DaysToRetain)) SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..backupmediaset FROM msdb..backupmediaset bms INNER JOIN #Temp t ON bms.media_set_id = t.media_set_id where not exists (select media_set_id from msdb..backupset bs where bs.media_set_id=t.media_set_id and bs.backup_finish_date> (getdate()-@DaysToRetain)) SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit COMMIT TRAN SET @rc = 0 GOTO isp_DeleteBackupHistory_Exit Error_Exit: ROLLBACK TRAN SET @rc = -1 isp_DeleteBackupHistory_Exit: DROP TABLE #Temp SET NOCOUNT OFF RETURN @rc GO |
2006-05-04 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure Phil, Thanks. I will try it out. |
2006-11-17 |
re: Delete Backup History stored procedure BTW, for SQL Server 2005, you will need to include another table, backupfilegroup, before the delete for backupfile. Below is the code for the stored procedure I am using: CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Delete_Backup_History] (@days_to_retain int = 186) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @Err int DECLARE @rc int DECLARE @target_date datetime SET @target_date = GETDATE() - @days_to_retain BEGIN TRAN DELETE FROM msdb..restorefile FROM msdb..restorefile rf INNER JOIN msdb..restorehistory rh ON rf.restore_history_id = rh.restore_history_id INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs ON rh.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < @target_date SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..restorefilegroup FROM msdb..restorefilegroup rfg INNER JOIN msdb..restorehistory rh ON rfg.restore_history_id = rh.restore_history_id INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs ON rh.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < @target_date SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..restorehistory FROM msdb..restorehistory rh INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs ON rh.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < @target_date SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit SELECT media_set_id, backup_finish_date INTO #Temp FROM msdb..backupset WHERE backup_finish_date < @target_date SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..backupfilegroup FROM msdb..backupfilegroup bfg INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs ON bfg.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id INNER JOIN #Temp t ON bs.media_set_id = t.media_set_id WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < @target_date SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..backupfile FROM msdb..backupfile bf INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs ON bf.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id INNER JOIN #Temp t ON bs.media_set_id = t.media_set_id WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < @target_date SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..backupset FROM msdb..backupset bs INNER JOIN #Temp t ON bs.media_set_id = t.media_set_id WHERE bs.backup_finish_date < @target_date SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..backupmediafamily FROM msdb..backupmediafamily bmf INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediaset bms ON bmf.media_set_id = bms.media_set_id INNER JOIN #Temp t ON bms.media_set_id = t.media_set_id WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT media_set_id FROM msdb..backupset bs WHERE bs.media_set_id = t.media_set_id AND bs.backup_finish_date >= @target_date) SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit DELETE FROM msdb..backupmediaset FROM msdb..backupmediaset bms INNER JOIN #Temp t ON bms.media_set_id = t.media_set_id WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT media_set_id FROM msdb..backupset bs WHERE bs.media_set_id = t.media_set_id AND bs.backup_finish_date >= @target_date) SET @Err = @@ERROR IF @Err <> 0 GOTO Error_Exit COMMIT TRAN SET @rc = 0 GOTO isp_DeleteBackupHistory_Exit Error_Exit: ROLLBACK TRAN SET @rc = -1 isp_DeleteBackupHistory_Exit: DROP TABLE #Temp SET NOCOUNT OFF RETURN @rc END |