Backup databases stored procedure - new version
I have updated my backup stored procedure, isp_Backup, as the old version had two issues. It did not exclude database snapshots, which can't be backed up. It also was not checking for the number of CPUs in the registry properly. The CPU check only affects backups when SQL Litespeed is used.
In the next version, I will exclude those databases that are being log shipped by SQL Litespeed as we don't want to interfere with the LSNs. I am already checking for this condition for native backups. I will also add code to perform a full backup when it is performing a differential or transaction log backup and a full backup does not exist. This will be done to avoid backup errors.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- OBJECT NAME : isp_Backup -- -- AUTHOR : Tara Kizer -- -- INPUTS : @path - location of the backups, default backup directory used if @path is null -- @dbType - which database(s) to backup -- All, System, User, or dash followed by database name (ex. -Toolbox) -- @bkpType - type of backup to perform -- Full, TLog, Diff -- @retention - number of days to retain backups, -1 to retain all files -- @liteSpeed - perform backup using LiteSpeed (Imceda product) -- N, Y -- -- OUTPUTS : None -- -- RETURN CODES : 0-10 (see @error table variable at the end for the messages) -- -- DEPENDENCIES : None -- -- DESCRIPTION : Performs backups. -- -- EXAMPLES (optional) : EXEC isp_Backup @path = 'C:\MSSQL\Backup\', @dbType = 'All', @bkpType = 'Full', @retention = 5, @liteSpeed = 'N' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE PROC [dbo].[isp_Backup] (@path varchar(100), @dbType sysname = 'All', @bkpType char(4) = 'Full', @retention smallint = 2, @liteSpeed char(1) = 'N') AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @now char(14) -- current date in the form of yyyymmddhhmmss DECLARE @dbName sysname -- database name that is currently being processed DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(4000) -- dynamically created DOS command DECLARE @result int -- result of the dir DOS command DECLARE @rowCnt int -- @@ROWCOUNT DECLARE @fileName varchar(200) -- path and file name of the BAK file DECLARE @edition int -- edition of SQL Server (1 - Personal or Desktop Engine; 2 - Standard; 3 - Developer or Enterprise) DECLARE @rc int -- return code DECLARE @extension char(4) -- extension for backup file DECLARE @version char(1) -- one digit version number, i.e. 8 (2000) or 9 (2005) -- log shipping tables have been renamed in 2005 SET @version = CONVERT(char(1), SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion')) IF @version NOT IN ('8', '9') BEGIN SET @rc = 1 GOTO EXIT_ROUTINE END -- Enterprise and Developer editions have msdb.dbo.log_shipping* tables, other editions do not SET @edition = CONVERT(int, SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition')) -- validate input parameters IF @dbType IS NOT NULL AND @dbType NOT IN ('All', 'System', 'User') AND @dbType NOT LIKE '-%' BEGIN SET @rc = 2 GOTO EXIT_ROUTINE END IF @dbType LIKE '-%' AND @version = '8' BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE [name] = SUBSTRING(@dbType, 2, DATALENGTH(@dbType))) BEGIN SET @rc = 3 GOTO EXIT_ROUTINE END END ELSE IF @dbType LIKE '-%' AND @version = '9' BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master.sys.databases WHERE [name] = SUBSTRING(@dbType, 2, DATALENGTH(@dbType))) BEGIN SET @rc = 3 GOTO EXIT_ROUTINE END END IF @bkpType IS NOT NULL AND @bkpType NOT IN ('Full', 'TLog', 'Diff') BEGIN SET @rc = 4 GOTO EXIT_ROUTINE END IF @dbType = 'System' AND @bkpType <> 'Full' BEGIN SET @rc = 5 GOTO EXIT_ROUTINE END IF @liteSpeed IS NOT NULL AND @liteSpeed NOT IN ('N', 'Y') BEGIN SET @rc = 6 GOTO EXIT_ROUTINE END -- use the default backup directory if @path is null IF @path IS NULL EXEC master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer',N'BackupDirectory', @path output, 'no_output' -- we need the backslash after the path, so add it if it wasn't provided in the input parameter IF RIGHT(@path, 1) <> '\' SET @path = @path + '\' CREATE TABLE #WhichDatabase(dbName SYSNAME NOT NULL) -- put the databases to be backed up into temp table IF @dbType LIKE '-%' BEGIN IF @bkpType = 'TLog' AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX(SUBSTRING(@dbType, 2, DATALENGTH(@dbType)), 'RECOVERY') = 'SIMPLE' BEGIN SET @rc = 7 GOTO EXIT_ROUTINE END IF @edition = 3 BEGIN IF @version = '8' BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.log_shipping_databases WHERE database_name = SUBSTRING(@dbType, 2, DATALENGTH(@dbType))) BEGIN SET @rc = 8 GOTO EXIT_ROUTINE END END ELSE IF @version = '9' BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primary_databases WHERE primary_database = SUBSTRING(@dbType, 2, DATALENGTH(@dbType))) BEGIN SET @rc = 8 GOTO EXIT_ROUTINE END END END IF @version = '9' BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master.sys.databases WHERE [name] = SUBSTRING(@dbType, 2, DATALENGTH(@dbType)) AND source_database_id IS NOT NULL) BEGIN SET @rc = 11 GOTO EXIT_ROUTINE END END INSERT INTO #WhichDatabase(dbName) VALUES(SUBSTRING(@dbType, 2, DATALENGTH(@dbType))) END ELSE IF @dbType = 'All' BEGIN IF @edition = 3 AND @version = '8' INSERT INTO #WhichDatabase (dbName) SELECT [name] FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE [name] NOT IN ('tempdb', 'ReportServerTempDB') AND [name] NOT IN (SELECT database_name FROM msdb.dbo.log_shipping_databases) AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX([name], 'IsInStandBy') = 0 AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX([name], 'Status') = 'ONLINE' ORDER BY [name] ELSE IF @edition = 3 AND @version = '9' INSERT INTO #WhichDatabase (dbName) SELECT [name] FROM master.sys.databases WHERE [name] NOT IN ('tempdb', 'ReportServerTempDB') AND [name] NOT IN (SELECT primary_database FROM msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primary_databases) AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX([name], 'IsInStandBy') = 0 AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX([name], 'Status') = 'ONLINE' ORDER BY [name] ELSE IF @version = '8' INSERT INTO #WhichDatabase (dbName) SELECT [name] FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE [name] NOT IN ('tempdb', 'ReportServerTempDB') AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX([name], 'IsInStandBy') = 0 AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX([name], 'Status') = 'ONLINE' ORDER BY [name] ELSE -- version is 9 INSERT INTO #WhichDatabase (dbName) SELECT [name] FROM master.sys.databases WHERE [name] NOT IN ('tempdb', 'ReportServerTempDB') AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX([name], 'IsInStandBy') = 0 AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX([name], 'Status') = 'ONLINE' ORDER BY [name] END ELSE IF @dbType = 'System' BEGIN IF @version = 8 INSERT INTO #WhichDatabase (dbName) SELECT [name] FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE [name] IN ('master', 'model', 'msdb') ORDER BY [name] ELSE INSERT INTO #WhichDatabase (dbName) SELECT [name] FROM master.sys.databases WHERE [name] IN ('master', 'model', 'msdb') ORDER BY [name] END ELSE IF @dbType = 'User' BEGIN IF @edition = 3 AND @version = '8' INSERT INTO #WhichDatabase (dbName) SELECT [name] FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE [name] NOT IN ('master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb', 'ReportServerTempDB') AND [name] NOT IN (SELECT database_name FROM msdb.dbo.log_shipping_databases) AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX([name], 'IsInStandBy') = 0 AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX([name], 'Status') = 'ONLINE' ORDER BY [name] ELSE IF @edition = 3 AND @version = '9' INSERT INTO #WhichDatabase (dbName) SELECT [name] FROM master.sys.databases WHERE [name] NOT IN ('master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb', 'ReportServerTempDB') AND [name] NOT IN (SELECT primary_database FROM msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primary_databases) AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX([name], 'IsInStandBy') = 0 AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX([name], 'Status') = 'ONLINE' ORDER BY [name] ELSE IF @version = '8' INSERT INTO #WhichDatabase (dbName) SELECT [name] FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE [name] NOT IN ('master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb', 'ReportServerTempDB') AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX([name], 'IsInStandBy') = 0 AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX([name], 'Status') = 'ONLINE' ORDER BY [name] ELSE INSERT INTO #WhichDatabase (dbName) SELECT [name] FROM master.sys.databases WHERE [name] NOT IN ('master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb', 'ReportServerTempDB') AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX([name], 'IsInStandBy') = 0 AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX([name], 'Status') = 'ONLINE' ORDER BY [name] END ELSE -- no databases to be backed up BEGIN SET @rc = 9 GOTO EXIT_ROUTINE END -- Remove snapshots IF @version = '9' DELETE t FROM #WhichDatabase t INNER JOIN master.sys.databases d ON t.dbName = d.[name] WHERE d.source_database_id IS NOT NULL -- Get the database to be backed up SELECT TOP 1 @dbName = dbName FROM #WhichDatabase SET @rowCnt = @@ROWCOUNT -- Iterate throught the temp table until no more databases need to be backed up WHILE @rowCnt <> 0 BEGIN IF @bkpType = 'TLog' AND @dbType IN ('All', 'User') AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@dbName, 'RECOVERY') = 'SIMPLE' PRINT 'Skipping transaction log backup of ' + @dbName ELSE IF @bkpType = 'Diff' AND @dbName IN ('master', 'model', 'msdb') PRINT 'Skipping differential backup of ' + @dbName ELSE BEGIN -- Build the dir command that will check to see if the directory exists SET @cmd = 'dir ' + @path + @dbName -- Run the dir command, put output of xp_cmdshell into @result EXEC @result = master..xp_cmdshell @cmd, NO_OUTPUT -- If the directory does not exist, we must create it IF @result <> 0 BEGIN -- Build the mkdir command SET @cmd = 'mkdir ' + @path + @dbName -- Create the directory EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd, NO_OUTPUT IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN SET @rc = 10 GOTO EXIT_ROUTINE END END -- The directory exists, so let's delete files older than two days ELSE IF @retention <> -1 BEGIN -- Stores the name of the file to be deleted DECLARE @whichFile VARCHAR(1000) CREATE TABLE #DeleteOldFiles(DirInfo VARCHAR(7000)) -- Build the command that will list out all of the files in a directory SELECT @cmd = 'dir ' + @path + @dbName + ' /OD' -- Run the dir command and put the results into a temp table INSERT INTO #DeleteOldFiles EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd -- Delete all rows from the temp table except the ones that correspond to the files to be deleted DELETE FROM #DeleteOldFiles WHERE ISDATE(SUBSTRING(DirInfo, 1, 10)) = 0 OR DirInfo LIKE '%<DIR>%' OR SUBSTRING(DirInfo, 1, 10) >= GETDATE() - @retention -- Get the file name portion of the row that corresponds to the file to be deleted SELECT TOP 1 @whichFile = SUBSTRING(DirInfo, LEN(DirInfo) - PATINDEX('% %', REVERSE(DirInfo)) + 2, LEN(DirInfo)) FROM #DeleteOldFiles SET @rowCnt = @@ROWCOUNT -- Interate through the temp table until there are no more files to delete WHILE @rowCnt <> 0 BEGIN -- Build the del command SELECT @cmd = 'del ' + @path + + @dbName + '\' + @whichFile + ' /Q /F' -- Delete the file EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd, NO_OUTPUT -- To move to the next file, the current file name needs to be deleted from the temp table DELETE FROM #DeleteOldFiles WHERE SUBSTRING(DirInfo, LEN(DirInfo) - PATINDEX('% %', REVERSE(DirInfo)) + 2, LEN(DirInfo)) = @whichFile -- Get the file name portion of the row that corresponds to the file to be deleted SELECT TOP 1 @whichFile = SUBSTRING(DirInfo, LEN(DirInfo) - PATINDEX('% %', REVERSE(DirInfo)) + 2, LEN(DirInfo)) FROM #DeleteOldFiles SET @rowCnt = @@ROWCOUNT END DROP TABLE #DeleteOldFiles END -- Get the current date using style 120, remove all dashes, spaces, and colons SET @now = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), GETDATE(), 120), '-', ''), ' ', ''), ':', '') SET @extension = CASE WHEN @bkpType = 'Full' THEN '.BAK' WHEN @bkpType = 'TLog' THEN '.TRN' ELSE '.DIF' END -- Build the backup path and file name, backup the database IF @liteSpeed = 'N' BEGIN SET @fileName = @path + @dbName + '\' + @dbName + '_' + @now + @extension IF @bkpType = 'FULL' BACKUP DATABASE @dbName TO DISK = @filename WITH INIT ELSE IF @bkpType = 'DIFF' BACKUP DATABASE @dbName TO DISK = @filename WITH INIT, DIFFERENTIAL ELSE BACKUP LOG @dbName TO DISK = @filename WITH INIT END ELSE BEGIN SET @fileName = @path + @dbName + '\' + @dbName + '_LS_' + @now + @extension DECLARE @regOutput varchar(20) -- stores the output from the registry DECLARE @numProcs INT -- stores the number of processors that the server has registered -- Get the number of processors that the server has EXEC master..xp_regread @rootkey = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\', @value_name = 'NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS', @value = @regOutput OUTPUT -- We want n - 1 threads, where n is the number of processors SET @numProcs = CONVERT(int, @regOutput) - 1 IF @bkpType = 'FULL' EXEC master.dbo.xp_backup_database @database = @dbName, @filename = @fileName, @threads = @numProcs, @init = 1 ELSE IF @bkpType = 'DIFF' EXEC master.dbo.xp_backup_database @database = @dbName, @filename = @fileName, @threads = @numProcs, @init = 1, @with = 'DIFFERENTIAL' ELSE EXEC master.dbo.xp_backup_log @database = @dbName, @filename = @fileName, @threads = @numProcs, @init = 1 END END -- To move onto the next database, the current database name needs to be deleted from the temp table DELETE FROM #WhichDatabase WHERE dbName = @dbName -- Get the database to be backed up SELECT TOP 1 @dbName = dbName FROM #WhichDatabase SET @rowCnt = @@ROWCOUNT -- Let the system rest for 5 seconds before starting on the next backup WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05' END SET @rc = 0 EXIT_ROUTINE: IF @rc <> 0 BEGIN DECLARE @rm varchar(500) DECLARE @error table (returnCode int PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, returnMessage varchar(500)) INSERT INTO @error(returnCode, returnMessage) SELECT 0, 'Success' UNION ALL SELECT 1, 'Version is not 2000 or 2005' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 'Invalid option passed to @dbType' UNION ALL SELECT 3, 'Database passed to @dbType does not exist' UNION ALL SELECT 4, 'Invalid option passed to @bkpType' UNION ALL SELECT 5, 'Only full backups are allowed on system databases' UNION ALL SELECT 6, 'Invalid option passed to @liteSpeed' UNION ALL SELECT 7, 'Can not backup tlog when using SIMPLE recovery model' UNION ALL SELECT 8, 'Will not backup the tlog on a log shipped database' UNION ALL SELECT 9, 'No databases to be backed up' UNION ALL SELECT 10, 'Unable to create directory' UNION ALL SELECT 11, 'Can not backup database snapshots' SELECT @rm = returnMessage FROM @error WHERE returnCode = @rc RAISERROR(@rm, 16, 1) END RETURN @rc
Legacy Comments
Tony Fountain
2008-05-28 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - new version Tara, This is a nice script that I'm probably going to 'borrow'. One thing is if you can guarentee you are running on a Windows 2003 Server environment, you could shorten the delete files portion by simply sending a FORFILES command via xp_cmdshell and remove that entire looping business in the script. |
Mark Haggarty
2008-06-06 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - new version Hi Tara. I came accross this site in search of a store proc to backup databases and found your work here (along with a vastness of other gems). I'm looking to call your proc from VBScript and was wondering (if you have time to spell it out for me): If I were to leverage your ISP_BACKUP proc....where would I deploy/create Master, tempdb...other db on the server that I can call? Knowing that I'm just assuming that I can simply call it.... Please advise when you have a moment (oh yah, congrats on becoming a MOM ;-) Thanks a ton, -Mark |
Michael B
2008-06-23 |
1 bug, one feature request Tara, we've been using your code since a couple versions ago. Absolutely love it. Mark - you can stick it in any database (except tempdb, since it'll vanish when the SQL Service restarts). We put ours in a "dba" database, along with other maintenance code (like Tara's defrag script). One request and one bug on the new version: Bug: On one of my 2000 servers, it doesn't like the log_shipping_databases bit. It chokes; says it can't find it. Request: Check the results from the Litespeed call. If it fails, for whatever reason, isp_Backup still deletes the old backups. Could you set it to not delete if you get back an error from Litespeed? We've seen it in two different situations, one where Litespeed fails because there's not enough disk space, and one where Litespeed itself is not working correctly. |
2008-06-23 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - new version Michael B, Please send me the error message. I've got the code running on quite a few servers that do not have LS installed and I do not have any issues on those. You could post the error here or send me an email through my contact page. For the request part: Yes it is coded to delete the backups regardless of the outcome of the stored procedure. We can't attempt a backup until disk space has been cleaned, otherwise systems that are tight on disk space and only have enough space for the backups will error on the backup command. |
charles Inter
2008-07-01 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - new version how we can to use "select" to show the name of tables in spesific database SQL Server 2000, example like used " select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases" {to show databases} thank's |
2008-07-01 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - new version charles, Use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views for this. USE SomeDb GO SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES ORDER BY TABLE_NAME |
2008-07-03 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - new version Hi tara Its Great, thanks for giving a nice script for backup |
2008-07-08 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - new version Cannot add rows to sys.sql_dependencies for the stored procedure because it depends on the missing table 'master.dbo.xp_backup_database'. The stored procedure will still be created; however, it cannot be successfully executed until the table exists. Cannot add rows to sys.sql_dependencies for the stored procedure because it depends on the missing table 'master.dbo.xp_backup_database'. The stored procedure will still be created; however, it cannot be successfully executed until the table exists. Cannot add rows to sys.sql_dependencies for the stored procedure because it depends on the missing table 'master.dbo.xp_backup_log'. The stored procedure will still be created; however, it cannot be successfully executed until the table exists. can you advise? |
2008-07-08 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - new version esther, those are warnings, not errors. This is normal for systems that do not have SQL Litespeed installed. Please ignore the warnings, the stored procedure will work fine. |
Michael B
2008-07-21 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - new version Teach me not to followup. Three things 1) Feature request - blacklist 3) Error message for log_shipping on 2000 included below. 1) One thing we're adding to ours is the idea of a blacklist. Not every database needs a backup. While you can add each new database to the job, I've found that things get overlooked. So we're adding a blacklist table (we use a "DBA" database to hold your code, other code, etc) that's referenced. Not sure what would be the best way to add it in your code, since it would probably require dynamic sql for certain steps. 2) Another error, fix included - retention affects everything in a folder The problem is that if you store backups/tlogs/diffs in the same folder, you can accidentally set retention such that when it deletes one, it also deletes the others. So if you keep hourly transaction logs for 1 day in the same folder as the full backups, it'll delete any full backups older than 1 day. The fix is pretty simple, I believe. You already set the @extension: SET @extension = CASE WHEN @bkpType = 'Full' THEN '.BAK' WHEN @bkpType = 'TLog' THEN '.TRN' ELSE '.DIF' END Move that earlier in your code, and change the code: -- Build the command that will list out all of the files in a directory SELECT @cmd = 'dir ' + @path + @dbName + ' /OD' becomes -- Build the command that will list out all of the files in a directory SELECT @cmd = 'dir ' + @path + @dbName + '\*' + @extension + ' /OD' Alternatively, you could list it and just not delete it. This looks a little cleaner, and the performance hit would be minimal. -- Delete the file EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd, NO_OUTPUT becomes -- Delete the file if the proper type and outside @retention If right(@whichfile,4) = @extension EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd, NO_OUTPUT The error message: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure isp_Backup, Line 119 Invalid object name 'msdb.dbo.log_shipping_databases'. Line 119 corresponds with: IF @version = '8' BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.log_shipping_databases WHERE database_name = SUBSTRING(@dbType, 2, DATALENGTH(@dbType))) BEGIN SET @rc = 8 GOTO EXIT_ROUTINE END END |
Jason C
2008-07-22 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - new version While I hate seeing them this way...database names can have spaces. When they do, the script breaks when checking/creating the folders. The fix is to enclose the name in double quotes when issuing the dir and mkdir commands. For example, SET @cmd = 'dir ' + @path + @dbName becomes SET @cmd = 'dir "' + @path + @dbName + '"' |
2008-07-22 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - new version Jason, I'm aware of the issue and should have a new version with this fix released in a couple of weeks. I'm fixing a bunch of things and adding new features in this next release. |
2008-08-05 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - new version I keep getting this error: Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Procedure isp_Backup, Line 386 Could not find stored procedure 'master.dbo.xp_backup_database'. I thought that it would work without LightSpeed installed. Any help would be greatly appreciated! |
2008-08-05 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - new version Trey, yes it works without Litespeed. But you are the second person to report this. It is only supposed to show a warning when LS is not present, not an error. Could you show me the output of SELECT @@VERSION? Also, what is the compatibility level of the database where you tried to create the object? |
2008-08-06 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - new version I figured it out...stupid on my part, I had LiteSpeed= Y Do you know of any posts where you can specify specific DBs to backup instead of all user? We have too much data and not enough time...Thanks for your help! |
2008-08-06 |
re: Backup databases stored procedure - new version Trey, I'm glad it turned out just to be a parameter value issue. My script works for specific databases. Just pass "-dbName" to @dbType input parameter. So that's dashDatabaseName to be more clear. |