Yukon article in SQL Sever Mag
The current issue of SQL Server Magazine has an article on Yukon, which is an interview with Eric Brown, a Product Manager for SQL Server at MS. It's a really fun read. Of course, I can't resist mentioning the things that I think are most cool about Yukon:
- TSQL isn't going away :) With all the talk about CLR integration, it was nice to see that they aren't trying to move away from real "SQL" code...
- Separate DATE and DATETIME datatypes. This alone will be worth the price of the upgrade for me. I can't tell you how many headaches I've had over mixing the TIME with the DATE in SQL Server. As I'm sure you know, something like SELECT.... WHERE MyDateField = 'somedate' simply doesn't work if you have times in your data. Ugh..
- TRY..CATCH. Wow :)
- SQL Workbench. A better EM/QA tool. With SourceSafe integration. Integrated with Whidbey. Drool.
- SMO. Sever Managed Objects. To replace DMO. He says you can program against them in the .NET environment. Does that mean without interop? That would be very nice indeed.
- Managed Code in DTS. He didn't say much about this, but hinted that DTS might have much better .NET integration.