Travis Laborde Blog

play boxing daddy?


This is as much a question as a post, so please, leave me some comments if you have the time. In the current issue of SQL Sever Magazine, Michelle Poolet has an article about "Overlapping Subtypes. Read more →

Yukon article in SQL Sever Mag

The current issue of SQL Server Magazine has an article on Yukon, which is an interview with Eric Brown, a Product Manager for SQL Server at MS. It's a really fun read. Read more →

producing CSV files on the fly

Two people recently have asked me how to produce this sort of output from ASP.NET. Please note, the code here is not meant to be an example of any best practices. Read more →

Arrays and Lists in SQL Server

Paschal Lposted a link to this articleabout arrays and lists in SQL Server. It's a long read, but there are some interesting points. I just thought I'd pass it along in hopes some of you like it. Read more →


Hello everyone. My name is Travis. I'll try not to blog about my (nearly) three year old son all the time :) I'll also try not to be one of those guys who blogs ONCE, to say “Hello everyone” and never comes back. Read more →