Brett Kaiser (x002548) Blog

Not Just a Number - Brett Kaiser

WO Ridership Community Response to Mayor McKeon

Mr. Mayor,

Thank you for your quick response. I'm sure the WO Ridership Community will be very pleased to hear that drivers have been arranged to resume the shuttle service.

We appreciate the fast manner in which you have taken action to resolve this number one concern of the community.

The Ridership Community is indeed a hearty bunch, and will definitely bear with the situation. I suspect they are also an easygoing bunch, and as such tend likely not to complain. That may have been one our problems. I know it was/is one of mine. Now that we have come together as a community, I believe we can head off potential problems.

Please let us know what we can do to participate and assist the township in any matters regarding the shuttle. We are here to help.

Thanks again for your swift actions, and we will be in touch

Brett Kaiser

West Orange Ridership Community