byrmol Blog


DBAs are good

Financial, health, demographic, taxation, production, defence etc...There is some serious data out there all under the control of the men and women we call DBAs. Several years ago I remember being given a CD containing the entire electoral roll. Read more →

DBAs are evil

A long time ago just down the road, no matter who asked you your name, you always gave the same reply. " I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod." Read more →

Office, equipment & first scope

I am hoping this will be the first of many, but time constraints or other circumstances may alter the hope. A desk a mate of mine built, is the main workstation which is not far from the kitchen. Read more →

No place like home…

It's 2:45AM and I have been on the road for nearly 11 hours. The car is packed to and on the roof and the dogs are sleeping with one eye open. Read more →