Recently I was trying to set up Transactional Replication in SQL Server 2000 from a back-up copy. After a few hacks and work arounds and lot of trouble-shooting I was able to get it up and running.
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Recently I had to ship out chunks of data into an excel sheet for some queries. I wrote an article on it. Feel free to check it out here.
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re: Getting Results of a Query into Excel without formatting issues sql queries
Chad Micheal Harlow
re: Getting Results of a Query into Excel without formatting issues FTP
Kevin 2008-06-24
re: Getting Results of a Query into Excel without formatting issues Hello
jouer au site de roulette
re: Getting Results of a Query into Excel without formatting issues I recall there was a problem when copying a comma-separated float value into Excel - the comma was misinterpreted as field separator, so I guess we changed that intentioanally into the US layout with the dot.
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Sometimes we need to pass an array to the Stored Procrdure and split the array inside the stored proc. For example, lets say there is a datagrid displaying sales orders, each sales order associated with an orderid (PK in the Sales table).
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