Davide Mauri Blog

Experiences with SQL Server

Partitioning: Two useful query

To obtain all information on how a table has been partitioned I usually use two views: The first just list all the partitened objects, showing the used partitioned scheme and function: Read more →

A better NTILE implementation

The implementation of the NTILE(n) windowing function is a little bit slow and requires a temp worktable that generates A LOT of I/O. Probably that because, as the BOL says, if you have a number of rows that is not divisible by your "n" bucket value, the function has to make the "Larger groups come before smaller groups in the order specified by the OVER clause". Read more →

SQL Pass 2006 Europe

I'm proud to announce that I will participate to the SQL Pass 2006 Europe conference as a speaker! Along with my collegue Alessandro I'll speak about advanced Reporting Services development. Here's the session abstract: Read more →

SQL Server 2005 Indexes: How many and how big?

This little snip of code allows you to list how many indexes are present on a table, their type and how big (kb and mb) they are: select[name],type_desc,space_used_in_kb =(page_count *8.0),space_used_in_mb =(page_count *8. Read more →

The most important developers Italian Event: WPC 2005

For the 3rd consecutive year i'll be at the most important developers conference: WPC. I have four sessions and i'll talk about: Indexes Reporting Services Integration Services Service Broker If you're interested you can find more detalis here (Italian language only). Read more →

Partitioning Automation - The Basics

Ok, let's start with the basic; again, remember that I assume that you have read the SQL Server 2005 Partitioned Tables and Indexes whitepaper. Another document on partitioning (which explaing more deeply the differences between LEFT and RIGHT partitioning) is also this one. Read more →

Sql Server 2005 Partitioning

A very interesting an powerful feature of Sql Server 2005 is called Partitioning. In a few word this means that you can horizontally partition the data in your table, thus deciding in which filegroup each rows must be placed. Read more →

Who runs my Sql Server Agent job steps?

To know under which security context your job step will be run, go ahead and read the following: The job step is a T-SQL stepIf the job owner is an account that is in the sysadmin fixed server role, than your step will be executed under the account used by the Sql Server Agent service. Read more →

New Sql Server 2000 Agent Article

A lot of people mail me question about problem with sheduled DTS Packages. This article should explain *clearly* and *finally* which account is used to run job steps: http://www.davidemauri.it/dasBlog/PermaLink.aspx?guid=bb70884a-32c8-4124-a0ab-4a33ba6d186d Update: As requested the article is also available here: Read more →