Geoff N. Hiten Blog

SQL Server thoughts, observations, and comments

MSDB Performance Tuning

Backup and Restore is arguably the most important task a DBA can do, but sometimes it is very frustrating to manage these elements. Some common problems include very slow UI interaction, both for SQL Enterprise Manager and for SQL Server Management Studio, mysterious timeouts, failure to delete old backup files, and other intermittent failures. Read more →

Worst IT Job (Update)

I spoke to someone at Ganz today about the Webkinz World site issues. The problem was twofold. First, the sales side didn't communicate expectations correctly to the folks who run the site. Read more →

The worst IT job (at least for today)

There is an old saying in politics and entertainment that there is no such thing as BAD publicity. Unfortunately, the opposite is true for IT, especially in the Database realm. If your name gets mentioned outside of a technology publication, you can bet it is something bad. Read more →

SQL 2008 CTP5 First Glance

Microsoft began releasing SQL 2008 CTP5 yesterday through Connect. It should hit MSDN within a few days so everyone can play along. The most obvious change for this release is a much-needed improvement replacement of the installer. Read more →

Online Reindex = ON

For the past several editions, SQL Books On-Line (BOL) has helpfully included a script to rebuild or defragment (since 2000) an index. Being Microsoft, this script is NOT located under the reindex or defragmentation topic, it is included in the fragmentation analysis section. Read more →

One step forward, two steps back.

We sometimes do things as DBAs that are self defeating, especially regarding high availability. We can get so focused on the One True Thing™ that will solve all of our problems that we don't realize that the way we implement something can end up costing us all the benefit. Read more →

SQL2008 Clustering Changes

Last week I stopped by the SQL Lounge at the PASS summit in Denver. I met a Microsoft employee named Max Verun, whose official title is Program Manager - Manageability and Servicing Platform. Read more →


Hopefully, I won't need a CATCH Block.  In case that opening sentence didn't give you a hint, I am a bit of a tech geek. Bill Graziano talked me into joining this merry band while at the PASS summit last week. Read more →