Jeff Smith Blog

Random Thoughts & Cartesian Products with Microsoft SQL Server

Splitting a single DataTable into Parent/Child DataTables for Hierarchical Processing (e.g., nested ASP.NET Repeater controls)

In ASP.NET, we often would like to output "grouped" data on our web pages, like this: Customer Product Sales-------- ---------- -----ABC FoundationProduct 1 $200Product 2 $437Product 3 $523The XLZ CompanyProduct 1 $240Product 2 $892Product 3 $395 The easiest way to do this is with nested Repeater controls; one for the outer group (Customers, this case), and within that Repeater's ItemTemplate we'd have another Repeater control for the details (Products). Read more →

Some HTML / ASP.NET Thoughts …

On a particular real estate website, we have a "Property Summary" section that contains each property's name, the address, a phone number (if it exists), and a contact email address (if it exists). Read more →

By The Way … DISTINCT is not a function …

Have you ever seen (or written) code like this: select distinct(employeeID), salary from salaryhist That compiles and executes without returning any errors. I've seen that attempted many times over the years, and of course people think DISTINCT is "broken" and "not working" because they see multiple rows for each employeeID. Read more →

A handy but little-known SQL function: NULLIF()

A web application I have inherited uses data from a stored procedure that returns two columns: Description and Override. Basically, for each item returned, the web page should display the Description unless an Override is provided, in which case the Override is displayed. Read more →

Where Clause Optimizing

use Northwind create procedure Test1 @MinDate datetime = null, @MaxDate datetime = null, @CustomerID nchar(5) = null, @FreightMin money = null, @FreightMax money = nullas begin set @MinDate = isnull(@MinDate,'1/1/1900') set @MaxDate = isnull(@MaxDate,'12/31/2999') set @CustomerID = isnull(@CustomerID,'%') set @FreightMin = isnull(@FreightMin,-99999) set @FreightMax = isnull(@FreightMax,99999) select * from Orders where OrderDate between @MinDate and @MaxDate and CustomerID like @CustomerID and Freight between @FreightMin and @FreightMax endgocreate procedure Test2 @MinDate datetime = null, @MaxDate datetime = null,@CustomerID nchar(5) = null, @FreightMin money = null, @FreightMax money = nullasbeginselect * from Orders where (@MinDate is null or OrderDate >= @MinDate) and (@MaxDate is null or OrderDate <= @MaxDate) and(@CustomerID is null or CustomerID = @CustomerID) and(@FreightMin is null or Freight >= @FreightMin) and(@FreightMax is null or Freight <= @FreightMax)end go – test it out: exec test1 '2/1/1996','9/20/1996', N'BERGS'exec test2 '2/1/1996','9/20/1996', N'BERGS' exec test1 exec test2 exec test1 @FreightMin=44, @FreightMax=48 exec test2 @FreightMin=44, @FreightMax=48 Read more →

Is it a String Literal or an Alias?

Every now and then I see T-SQL code written like this: select somecolumn as 'columnname'from sometable Notice that 'columnname', despite its appearance, is not a string literal or a string expression, it is the alias that we are assigning to the column somecolumn. Read more →

Working with Date and/or Time values in SQL Server: Don't Format, Don't Convert – just use DATETIME

The Importance of Data Types Imagine that SQL Server only provided two data types: the MONEY data type to store numeric values, and VARCHAR to store text. If you are designing a database in this scenario and you need to store or return integer values, which data type – MONEY or VARCHAR – would you use? Read more →

Composite Primary Keys

Ah … primary keys … such a topic! When discussing what columns to define as a primary key in your data models, two large points always tend to surface: Surrogate Keys versus Natural Keys Normalization These can be very complicated and sometimes polarizing things to debate. Read more →

More on GROUP BY; Examining SUM(Distinct)

I've written a two part article on using SQL GROUP BY clauses over at It's always a common topic of discussion and confusion amongst beginner and intermediate SQL programmers alike, so I thought I'd write a fairly long and hopefully comprehensive piece that takes a common summary report request and works towards the solution step-by-step. Read more →