Joe Webb Blog

Musing and observations about SQL Server, other technogies, and sometimes just life in general

Getting column information using T-SQL

Ocassionally, I see a question in the MSDN Forums where someone wants to know how to retrieve a list of column information for a table using only T-SQL. Although there are several ways in which to approach this, I like the following method. Read more →

Recreating your SSNS configuration files

The most common way to create a SQL Server Notification Services instance is to craft a valid and well-formed XML document for the Instance Configuration File and the Application Definition File. Read more →

What SQL Server service pack do I have installed?

If you've used SQL Server for a while, you're probably familiar with the @@version function. Selecting the function in a query window produces the following results on my system. From this, you can quickly determine that I'm running SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition version 9. Read more →

Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services White Paper

Interested in learning more about Microsoft SQL 2008 Server Reporting Services? I recently stumbled upon a White Paper on the Microsoft site that provides a good overview. While weighing in at only 14 pages including the title page, table of contents, and copyright stuff, it does provide a good, abeit somewhat general, overview of the product and it's capabilities. Read more →

Real world DBA podcast

I recently worked with Buck Woody to turn one of my blog posts into a podcast. It's my first podcast! :) I recorded it about midnight one evening after everyone else in my family had retired for the evening. Read more →

Formatting strings

I just completed teaching a Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services class in Charlotte, North Carolina - a wonderful and beautiful place to visit! In a couple of the demonstrations, we used some predefined formatting strings to customize the way a user can see a value in a report. Read more →

Does the order of columns in an index matter?

A single column index is fairly straightforward to understand. You may have heard it compared to the index in the back of a technical book. When you want to find some information in the book, say DBCC INPUTBUFFER, you turn to the index in the back of the book and look up DBCC INPUTBUFFER. Read more →

Using CROSS JOIN to generate test data

To prepare for an upcoming technical presentation, I need to create some test data to use in a demo. I'm planning to show how different T-SQL programming techniques directly affect SQL Server's efficiency in resolving the query. Read more →