Joe Webb Blog

Musing and observations about SQL Server, other technogies, and sometimes just life in general


Over the past several years, I've regularly blogged about SQL Server and other technologies, and sometimes about life in general. I enjoy sharing my experiences and love it when something I've written evokes a good conversation in the comments section of the blog. Read more →

Things you know now

I was recently tagged by my long-time friend and colleague Kevin Kline in his blog post Things You Know Now. The thread originated with Mike Walsh, in his blog post also entitled Things You Know Now. Read more →

Welcome 2009!

Happy New Years! (noise makers sounding in the background, confetti and streamers softly floating down behind me). I hope you all had a wonder New Year's Day holiday. Now it's back to work. Read more →

The certification treadmill

Sometimes it seems that pursuing certification in a technology is tantamount to running on treadmill. On a treadmill you spend countless hours toiling away, working up a sweat and exerting yourself beyond what you thought you could do. Read more →

Blogging and my new Twitter site

My good friend Kevin Kline recently posed a question on one of his blogs: what is the best frequency, depth, and type of blog posting? Are readers most interested in more thorough postings that are more akin to full fledged magazine articles, with the understanding that those will appear far less often since they are more time consuming to create? Read more →

PASSing the torch

As many of you may know, for the past six years I've volunteered my time and energy to an organization called PASS - the Professional Association for SQL Server. It's a wonderful organization of highly dedicated, talented, and personable SQL Server professionals from around the world. Read more →