Although much of the prefacing information about the query optimizer's use of statistics to determine the best way to resolve a query are applicable to SQL Server 2000 and 2005, the script that I included in my last post to determine that last time that the statistics were updated was specific to SQL Server 2005.
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When SQL Server receives a new query, it attempts determine the best possible plan for resolving that query. It considers a number of different factors as it analyzes the query and maps out a way in which to retrieve the information requested.
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As a consultant, I regularly need to determine when a stored procedure was last altered. Without having implemented a series of DDL triggers, how can this be accomplished? In Microsoft SQL Server, you can easily retrieve this information from the sys.
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As database professionals, we may responsible for dozens, if not scores, of SQL Servers throughout our department or enterprise. Now that Microsoft has announced that Notification Services will not ship as part of the SQL Server 2008 product, how can you readily identify which of the servers in your charge have SSNS instances installed?
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For the past three years of so, I've been blogging about my experiences with Microsoft SQL Server and the lessons I've learned along the way. During that time, I posted some pretty good tutorials, if I do say so myself.
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