Ajarn Mark Caldwell Blog

Bringing Business Sense to the IT World…

PASS 2004: D - 1

While some people like Lance Harra took the time today to attend one of the pre-conference seminars, some of the others of us just relaxed by the pool.  Unfortunately, I also had other work to wrap up, so I didn't get as much pool time as I would have liked.  Oh well, it's a rough life, and I know I won't get any sympathy from those of you still at your jobs this week.

This evening was the initial reception event / networking opportunity.  It was good to catch up with folks I hadn't seen since last year, as well as meet a few new ones.  I finally got to meet Rob Volk in person, and I must say that he's not as scary in person as his picture might lead you to believe.  (By the way, Rob, I see that right now Tara is only 12 posts behind you.  Better get movin'!)

That about covers the conference for today.  A group of 10 of us went out for dinner after the appetizers and had great conversation.  Looking forward to the kickoff keynote address in the morning!

Legacy Comments

re: PASS 2004: D - 1
No. It never got approved. We were pushing for it, but they kept insisting that there would be something similar more close to home. Wonder when that seminar is supposed to happen. ;-)