Mladen Prajdić Blog

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VS 2005 and SQL Server Management Studio Keyboard Shortcuts - pure magic

If there was one thing that was going preety steadily on my nerves in VS2005 was region collapsing/opening with mouse.
So i was determined to find a shortcut for it.

And I found so much more...

Every shortcut there is in Visual Studio 2005 is listed here.

All SSMS keybard shortcuts are listed here.

These two pages are the holy grail of fast development if you ask me :))

oh and by the way.... collapsing/opening a region is CTRL + M + M. Yes, hit M twice while holding CTRL.

And do try CTRL + I... it's pure pleasure. a hint: Incremental Search :) <-- select text (works in VS and SSMS)

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Taposh Dutta ROy
re: VS 2005 and SQL Server Management Studio Keyboard Shortcuts - pure magic
Is there a short cut for opening the table from the database diagram?

re: VS 2005 and SQL Server Management Studio Keyboard Shortcuts - pure magic
Not that i know of.

re: VS 2005 and SQL Server Management Studio Keyboard Shortcuts - pure magic

re: VS 2005 and SQL Server Management Studio Keyboard Shortcuts - pure magic
Hi :)))

re: VS 2005 and SQL Server Management Studio Keyboard Shortcuts - pure magic
Thanks for these tips.

Slightly off topic: Is there a way of creating regions in SSMS query windows?

re: VS 2005 and SQL Server Management Studio Keyboard Shortcuts - pure magic
not in ssms 2005. you may use this though:

currently regions have a bug in the addin which will be fixed this month.

in ssms 2008 regions are there.