Mladen Prajdić Blog

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SQL Server 2005 profiling with Dynamic Management Views (DMV's)

DMV's are one of the most usefull features in SQL Server 2005.

There are 2 that I like more than others because they can give you information about
executed SQL statements without the use of SQL Profiler tool.
Of course they aren't a substitute for SQL profiler but rather an another tool you can use
in situations when you can't run SQL Profiler.
Those 2 DMV's are:
 - sys.dm_exec_query_stats
 - sys.dm_exec_sql_text
They provide much info about executed statements but i used them in this procedure for searching through
executed sql statemnts.
Since dm_exec_query_stats is based on cached query plans the row in it lasts until the plan is removed from cache.
So for better and more usefull data i put the results of each run into a separate log table.

this is the stored procedure:

create table StatementExecLog
    StatementText nvarchar(max),
    LastExecuted datetime,
    ElapsedTimeInSeconds int,
    ExecCountFromLastCompile int
create proc GetExecutedQueries
    @Filter varchar(8000),
    @DateFrom datetime = '19000101',
    @DateTo datetime = '99990101'    
select * from
SELECT    SUBSTRING(st.text, (qs.statement_start_offset/2)+1, 
        ((CASE qs.statement_end_offset
          WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(st.text)
         ELSE qs.statement_end_offset
         END - qs.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) AS StatementText,
        last_execution_time as LastExecuted,
        last_elapsed_time/1000000.0 as ElapsedTimeInSeconds,
        execution_count as ExecCountFromLastCompile
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS st
where last_execution_time between @DateFrom and @DateTo
) t
where StatementText like '%' + @Filter + '%'
order by LastExecuted desc
select * from person.address
-- for simple searches
exec GetExecutedQueries '.address'

– for long term logging insert into StatementExecLog exec GetExecutedQueries '.address'

Legacy Comments

Randy Minder
re: SQL Server 2005 profiling with Dynamic Management Views (DMV's)
I think your sample code above has a bug. SQL BOL says that 'last_elapsed_time' column is in microseconds. This means you need to divide by 1,000,000 and not 1,000 to derive the seconds.


re: SQL Server 2005 profiling with Dynamic Management Views (DMV's)
Thanx Randy for catching that.

I'm still so used to miliseconds from SS2k :)

re: SQL Server 2005 profiling with Dynamic Management Views (DMV's)
Come with small examples and then proceed with critical examples. Its hard to get the point...not satisfied.

re: SQL Server 2005 profiling with Dynamic Management Views (DMV's)
How do i eliminate the microseconds to seconds

re: SQL Server 2005 profiling with Dynamic Management Views (DMV's)
multiply them by 1.000.000??

Rob Reid
re: SQL Server 2005 profiling with Dynamic Management Views (DMV's)
Yes DMVs are probably the most useful feature that came out with SQL 2005. Be careful though as the stats are kept in memory and will get refreshed when the server / service gets restarted. If you are interested in more DMV related queries then see this article
and if you want a beast of a report that has near on 20 different performance related reports (CPU, I/O, Index Fragmentation, Wait time, Query Plan Cache etc) then take a look at this: