Mladen Prajdić Blog

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When are SQL Server schema objects Case Senstive?

I've come across an interesting thing today that i didn't even think could be an issue:

Case senstive object names (tables, columns, triggers, views, etc....).

If your database is created with a Case Sensitive collation then all object names will be Case Sensitive.

I always thought that collations are used for data and not schema but i guess i was wrong.

We had an issue with a view that had a lower case column name in it when it should be uppercase.


A bit of code to prove it:

create database testCollation collate Latin1_General_CS_AS -- case sensitive collation
use testCollation 

create table Test(Col1 int, col2 int) insert into Test select 1, 1 union all select 1, 2 union all select 2, 1 union all select 2, 2 go SELECT Col1, col2 FROM Test – works SELECT col1, col2 FROM Test – fails with error: Invalid column name 'col1'. SELECT Col1, col2 FROM test – fails with error: Invalid object name 'test'.

drop table Test use master drop database testCollation

Legacy Comments

re: When are SQL Server schema objects Case Senstive?
The schema itself is also stored in database tables. Because the collation affects all tables in the database the schema is affected by this setting, too.

I have experienced this in my latest project. It is very annoying at the beginning (you're used to use case-insensitive SQL), but after a while you get used to it ;)

re: When are SQL Server schema objects Case Senstive?
yes exactly.

but somehow i managed to ignore that :))

re: When are SQL Server schema objects Case Senstive?
Not sure why you see this as surprising?
Enlighten me:-p

re: When are SQL Server schema objects Case Senstive?
I'm not seeing it as surprising...
It's interesting and shows how a simple collation can give you some trouble.

and if you start working on a new server you know nothing about and you get this
type of error i'm betting you're not going to think of collations first.

re: When are SQL Server schema objects Case Senstive?
Well I do agree some people will have problems, but if you come from a programming background its not so bad. C/C++ is case sensitive as well so
int i;
int I;

are two different things. So its not so bad!

re: When are SQL Server schema objects Case Senstive?
I come from a C/C++ world so when I first came across t-sql, I was surprised and somewhat disappointed that it is NOT case sensitive by default (at least, most databases I have worked with have been case-insensitive)

re: When are SQL Server schema objects Case Senstive?
I think what you guys are missing here is that this is exactly the behavior one sees with Oracle. Database object references are case-insensitive, but the data in the database can be case-sensitive. So, if you're on a project where you're replacing Oracle with SQL Server, and there are lots of apps that hit the database, this can be a big deal.

Though it may not be possible, I would like to be able to have a MS-SQL database that treats data in a case-sensitive fashion, but allows queries to refer to database objects ignoring case.