Mladen Prajdić Blog

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S-Q-L or Sequel? A bit of trivia for the weekend…

This has been a debate for as long as i've known.

How to pronounce SQL?  ess-cue-el or sequel?

Each one has it's own supporters. But only one is correct.

And the winner is (drum-roll here):


S-Q-L (ess-cue-el)


And how can i be so sure about that?

It's ANSI declared.


Read more about SQL Pronounciation history here.



Most people don't care. That's why it's trivia. :))

Legacy Comments

re: S-Q-L or Sequel? A bit of trivia for the weekend...
saying it that way is a pee-eye-tee-ay


re: S-Q-L or Sequel? A bit of trivia for the weekend...
acctually i always say it S-Q-L
seems more natural than sequel to me. :)

re: S-Q-L or Sequel? A bit of trivia for the weekend...
"I think they removed the pronounciation guide in later versions, though"

don't you mean later sequels?


re: S-Q-L or Sequel? A bit of trivia for the weekend...
SQL might be pronounced as S-Q-L, but SQL Server is pronounced Sequel Server. That's coming directly from Microsoft on their product.

re: S-Q-L or Sequel? A bit of trivia for the weekend...
However you pronounce, What is there in a name

re: S-Q-L or Sequel? A bit of trivia for the weekend...
As an old timer, I always say S-Q-L. Sequal is different product. S-Q-L is actually the correct way. Besides...

IBM is not "ibem"
IRS is not "irus"
CIA is not "chay"
FCC is not "%#&@"

It it's only three letters.. and especially if there are no vowels... don't try to squeeze some phony word out of it.

himansu sekhar das
re: S-Q-L or Sequel? A bit of trivia for the weekend...
ya its sequel actually coz when it was developed by IBM itwas in the name 'sequel'.
so its an honour to give the seniors as spelling it as sequel

re: S-Q-L or Sequel? A bit of trivia for the weekend...
Wasn't SQL actually named SEQUEL when it was originally developed, and I thought this was where the sequel term for it was?

Rey Calanta-ol
re: S-Q-L or Sequel? A bit of trivia for the weekend...
It is S-Q-L as introduced in the SQL 92 revision standard...people who pronounce it as sequel... follows the non-standard term and basically an oldies.... :P. Follow the link for supporting post.

Sounds like Sequel, looks like SQL, what does it taste like?
Yes, that's right, non-ANSI standard statements must always be called SEQUEL. If your code is 100% ANSI compliant then you may call it S-Q-L.