Mladen Prajdić Blog

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SSMS Tools PACK is featured in May issue of SQL Server Magazine


Just as the title says :)

You can read the article here.


Thanx to Kevin Kline for publishing it!

Legacy Comments

Bill Graziano
re: SSMS Tools PACK is featured in May issue of SQL Server Magazine
Hey, congratuluations!

re: SSMS Tools PACK is featured in May issue of SQL Server Magazine
thanx :)

Old version for review?
He didn't mention the other cools tools you've incorporated?
The image copy? The multiple server execution?

re: SSMS Tools PACK is featured in May issue of SQL Server Magazine
that's because they're in version 1.0 which will go out tommorow.
you got the honor of a pre-release build, Peter. :)

Tony Small
re: SSMS Tools PACK is featured in May issue of SQL Server Magazine
I notice that you always specify SET NOCOUNT ON in your CRUD code.
This is to assume that there is never use for SET NOCOUNT OFF which is in fact the default behaviour. For a long time all my stored procedure specified SET NOCOUNT ON until I learned that it prevents Visual Studio client applications from receiving how many rows were inserted, updated or deleted with the .AffectedRows property when calling the stored procedure. This means you can properly determine that the stored proc call worked and is much better than the -1 that is returned when SET NOCOUNT is set to ON. SET NOCOUN ON is only fine for select statements if you don't want this information returned.

Kind regards

Tony S.
p.s. It might be useful to include support for BEGIN TRY...END TRY BEGIN CATCH END CATCH construct.
Also maybe considering specifying RETURN @@ERROR in your generated code.

Useful tool