Mladen Prajdić Blog

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SQL Server - How many times is the subquery executed?

Adam Machanic launced his second TSQL tuesday: Invitation for T-SQL Tuesday #002: A Puzzling Situation. The theme is to show something interesting and not expected by the first look. You can follow posts for this theme on Twitter by looking at #TSQL2sDay hashtag.

Ok here we go. Let me ask you this: How many times will the subquery in the below SQL statement be executed?

SELECT  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail WHERE SalesOrderID = SOH.SalesOrderID) AS c, *
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH


How about the subquery in this in the below SQL statement be executed? It’s the same query only we’re repeating the subquery in the order by

SELECT  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail WHERE SalesOrderID = SOH.SalesOrderID) AS c, *
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH
ORDER by (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail WHERE SalesOrderID = SOH.SalesOrderID) DESC


If you said once you’d be wrong. At first look I also thought it would run once because SQL server query optimizer would be smart enough to realize we’re ordering by the same values as we’re selecting. However this isn’t a case. Let’s take a look at the IO cost of both queries:

Query #1:

-- Table 'SalesOrderHeader'. Scan count 1, logical reads 703
-- Table 'SalesOrderDetail'. Scan count 1, logical reads 1238

Query #2:

We can see the table SalesOrderDetail being scanned twice. Once for select part and once for order by part.

-- Table 'SalesOrderHeader'. Scan count 1, logical reads 703
-- Table 'SalesOrderDetail'. Scan count 2, logical reads 2476 <- READ TWICE! ONCE FROM SELECT AND ONCE FROM ORDER BY!


Of course the second example isn’t a way to write SQL but it sure is interesting how stuff works.

Legacy Comments

re: SQL Server - How many times is the subquery executed?
I was just wondering, if you rewrite the above queries as follows to utilise a derived table how does the IO cost compare?

SELECT SOD.DetailCount AS c, SOH.*
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH
JOIN (SELECT SalesOrderID, COUNT(*) DetailCount FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail GROUP BY SalesOrderID) SOD ON SOD.SalesOrderID = SOH.SalesOrderID
ORDER by SOD.DetailCount DESC