Mladen Prajdić Blog

Blog about stuff and things and stuff. Mostly about SQL server and .Net

Two free SQL Server events I'll be presenting at in UK. Come and say hi!


SQLBits: April 7th - April 9th 2011 in Brighton, UK

Free community event on Saturday (April 9th) with a paid conference day on Friday (April 8th) and a Pre Conference day full of day long seminars (April 7th).

It'll be a huge event with over 800 attendees and over 20 MVPs. I'll be presenting on Saturday April 9th.




SQL in the City: July 15th 2011 in London, UK

One day of free SQL Server training sponsored by Redgate. Other MVP's that'll be presenting there are Steve Jones (website|twitter), Brad McGehee (blog|twitter) and Grant Fritchey (blog|twitter)


At both conferences I'll be presenting about database testing.

In the sessions I'll cover a few things from my book The Red Gate Guide to SQL Server Team based Development like what do we need for testing, how to go about it, what are some of the obstacles we have to overcome, etc…

If you're around there come and say Hi!

Legacy Comments

re: mssqlsystemresource
this is about ur long-ago blog post :
(posting Here as comments are closed There)

- fyi, it is not necessary to stop SQL Server service to copy the mssqlsystemresource .mdf & .ldf files

- 'object_definition' is a system function, right? but couldn't find it in that db