Most Valuable Yak (Rob Volk) Blog

…and other neat SQL Server tricks

HSSFS Part 2.1 - Parsing @@VERSION

For Part 2 of the Handy SQL Server Function Series I decided to tackle parsing useful information from the @@VERSION function, because I am an idiot. It turns out I was confused about CHARINDEX() vs. Read more →

Handy SQL Server Function Series: Part 1

I've been preparing to give a presentation on SQL Server for a while now, and a topic that was recommended was SQL Server functions. More specifically, the lesser-known functions (like @@OPTIONS), and maybe some interesting ways to use well-known functions (like using PARSENAME to split IP addresses) I think this is a veritable goldmine of useful information, and researching for the presentation has confirmed that beyond my initial expectations. Read more →

Handy SQL Server Function (you may not have known about)

Have you ever scripted a stored procedure? Or dealt with indexed views? Or wondered why Management Studio says you can't index or alter a table column? Then you've been bitten by one or more of the the ANSI_NULLS, ANSI_PADDING, or QUOTED_IDENTIFIER settings! Read more →

SQL Server Execution Plan Icons

Here's a handy link that shows all the query operator icons used in graphical SQL Server execution plans. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to write a query or batch that displays all of them. Read more →

Regular Expressions are cool…

I recently had to modify tables to add some auditing columns and triggers. Being a good fair to middling crazed, insane DBA and wanting to ensure data integrity and good design, I made the columns not nullable, and therefore also had to add defaults for these new columns: ALTER TABLE [dbo]. Read more →

Handy DBCC Feature

I'm sure most of you use DBCC commands and have experience with the WITH TABLERESULTS option to put their output into a table. Did you know that most of the DBCC CHECK commands also accept WITH TABLERESULTS: Read more →

Fixing Robocopy for SQL Server Jobs

Robocopy is one of, if not the, best life-saving/greatest-thing-since-sliced-bread command line utilities ever to come from Microsoft. If you're not using it already, what are you waiting for? Of course, being a Microsoft product, it's not exactly perfect. Read more →

According to Steve Ballmer…

DBA'S BABY!!! Legacy Comments Brett 2006-11-17 re: According to Steve Ballmer... Care to elaborate? Christy 2006-11-22 SQL Server DBA Help Needed We are in need of someone who can provide overall Database Architecture, Design, Support and Maintenance for WEB based and Client/Server Enterprise Applications in the Intranet & Internet settings on a Microsoft, IBM and CISCO Infrastructure Platform utilizing RAID, SAN, and Cluster technology. Read more →

Sometimes it's just too easy…

Yet another fair and balanced Slashdot discussion about XML databases. Legacy Comments Brett 2005-03-15 Not anymore Holy crap..the company just blocked slashdot... ClaesW(rockmoose) 2005-03-16 re: Sometimes it's just too easy. Read more →

Decisions, Decisions…

Bored with SQL Server? Looking for something new, and/or cheaper? Got a bunch of interesting alternative databases: I've mentioned REL and VistaDB previously. VistaDB has made some significant improvements since then (including a 60% reduction in engine size, to 400KB! Read more →

Command Line SQL Server

I've set up a new category on my blog where I plan to post some articles about using command-line utilities to perform various tasks for, or in support of, SQL Server. Read more →

Finally, Some XML Sanity!

Dare Obasanjo has an article called the XML Litmus Test to determine if XML is appropriate for certain applications. It seems to be an elaboration on a response he made to my earlier rant, although I doubt that was the entire motivation. Read more →