Tara Kizer Blog

Tara Kizer

Connect to console via RDP

Do you ever need to connect to the console of a server?  Are you too lazy to go to the server to do it?  If so, then check this out from a cmd window:

mstsc /v:serverName /console

I almost never need to connect to the console as most everything that I need to do can be accomplished with the SQL Server tools and the use of Terminal Services/Remote Desktop.  But this will come in handy when two other people are already connected to the server via RDP.  Now a third person can connect!

Legacy Comments

re: Connect to console via RDP
The issue with this is the server needs to accept remote connections, if you dont accept remote connections you cant get in..not even to the console.
Just an FYI

re: Connect to console via RDP
That's not really an issue though. It's like saying if you want to use SQL Server, you must install it.

So for those of us using Terminal Services/Remote Desktop...

re: Connect to console via RDP
My point was you cannot remote to a machine that does not have that enabled...

And now its not like saying if you want to use SQL Server install it.

Im saying anyone who runs that without enabling remote connections will get an error, which you did not mention.

Those who want to run it and have never ran it before will get that error, so it is always a plus to give us much detail as possible.


Thomas Hanks
re: Connect to console via RDP
This is a great tip however, for those of you who have databases on Unisys ES series servers, do NOT use this tip. It causes you to lose the ability to access the desktop via Sentinel and causes your System Admin's to get angry at you.

re: Connect to console via RDP
also, one should be aware that if anyone happens to be at that server logged in to the console, you will boot them if you do this.

also, if someone else uses this trick to TS to the server and then you do it, you will boot them.

re: Connect to console via RDP
1 - sounds like unisys sucks :) This isn't so much of a trick, it is a documented feature from microsoft. See KB article 278845.
2 - Booting someone who is already off the console can happen but you get some warnings. You will be told that someone is already logged into the console and if you continue to login, they will be booted. That is a little different.

Also, it should be pointed out that this only allows you to connect to the console of a win2k3 system, not win2k...


re: Connect to console via RDP
to complete my thought from point 1 above - the fact that unisys blows up when doing this seems like a problem with unisys. Since this is documented functionality from Microsoft.

This feature is extremely useful, especially when an install pops something up on the console that you need to acknowledge, but normally cannot since you are RDPed to the box.

thanks Tara for sharing. :)


re: Connect to console via RDP
Hmmm, I tried logging into Win2k with this to get to the console before I read eyechart's message and found that it just kept on creating a new session.

How can I get to the console through RDP? At the moment I use netmeeting to get in, which is tedious.

Thanks in advance :)
