Damian Maclennan Blog

Damian's Datalog

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I just published a new article on SQLTeam titled "Using the PARSENAME function to split delimited data". I've already had a few comments from people about the code coloring in the article. Not being one to shy away from plugging utilities and tools that I think rock, I thought I'd let everyone in on the trick.

I use SciTE. SciTE is a lightweight text editor for Windows and Linux. It's small and fast and has pretty much become a notepad replacement for me ( although compiler integration makes it some peoples primary code editor). One of it's really cool features is the export to HTML or RTF function which preserves code formatting and coloring. Great for formatting documentation or..... SQLTeam articles :)

Legacy Comments

re: This article brought to you by....
Just downloaded the zip file...how do you install it?

What's the deal about a C++ compiler required?

re: This article brought to you by....
Did you download the source or the executable ?