Introduction I have been writing my little blog here for some time now, and my favorite part of doing this is of course the feedback. It's always great to hear from the readers, to have mistakes corrected, to debate various topics and techniques, and to learn a lot about SQL and the various topics I discuss here.
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You are a very important, talented, enterprise-level programmer! You write and maintain millions of lines of code, compiling your applications takes several hours, and your databases contain hundreds of tables with millions of rows.
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Today's article at is one that the SQL Server community might find enjoyable. I may try to implement something similar in my next project …. or, maybe not!
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Dear DBA – Thanks so much for helping us developers out with the latest changes you've made to the stored procedures in our system. While it may have been nice if we got together first to discuss these changes, I do appreciate that you worked very hard to make things much easier for us.
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So, you've decide to write a comment about how bad either VB and/or MS Access is in a programming forum! Well, you've come to the right place, I'm here to help.
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Congratulations to our good friend Alex Papadimoulis over at the weblogs on his Microsoft MVP award. Well-earned!
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These are actual, unedited SQLTeam post subjects that you also might find in a dating forum:
Checking for Date Conflict - How to identify those tell-tale signs that your date isn't going well; bringing your laptop along doesn't usually help Problem with relationships - Usually this is the result of not being able to identify date conflicts Pickup Rate based on effective date - Be sure that all payment rates and the definition of “effective” are agreed upon before picking up your date.
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Here's kind of a funny/scary thread over at the DailyWTF:
see also:
Discussing VB and/or MS Access in a Programming Forum Top 10 Things I Hate About SQL Server SQLTeam Dating Advice !
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By an anonymous SQL user (a guest blogger) 1. SQL is too complicated! When I have multiple values in my columns, like "JAN,FEB,MAR" or “15,84,22” , SQL Server just doesn't get it.
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