Brett Kaiser (x002548) Blog

Not Just a Number - Brett Kaiser

West Orange Ridership Community

W.O. Shuttle Service Hotline Number: 973-325-4183 Jitney Schedules  Well it looks like this blog entry is being spammed to death in the comments. I will update the blog section as required, and until I can clean up the hundreds of spam, we will have to leave it as is. Read more →

PASS 2005

Now that you're all making me extremely jealous, did anyone think to bring a camera along? I want some pix of the conference and the hotel. Anyone? Legacy Comments Mark 2005-09-29 re: PASS 2005 Yeah, Brett, I've got a camera. Read more →

How can I automate the copying of a table?

As much as I try to disuade people from building processes that might come back to haunt them later, this one always seems to come up. So I gave in, I figure it might be useful from an admin perspective at some point, so here it is. Read more →

Setting Matters Straight

Wow did I hit a nerve? In Fair or Fowl I asked what people thought of someone who republishes an article, acts like they made the world a better place with their so called advice, even though a team of people took the time and energy to explain a proper methodology, which was only parroted by said poster. Read more →

How do I use the DOS Command dir in T-SQL

Well, the short answer is you don't. The modified answer is that you can use the code listed in this post. The longer answer is that you can use xp_cmdshell to do this (Which is what the stored procedure in this post does), and must be either a member of the sysadmin account, or granted execution, say to a new role, and users can be placed in that role. Read more →

Extract Just Numbers from a String

I guess you could modify this to Extract whatever you want. Here's the thread with the original question. Now I'm not gonna say this is real effecient, but I thought it was a little clever. Read more →